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Police education system reform confirmed

Publication date 17.12.2013 0.00
Type:News item

The Parliament of Finland passed the Act on the Police College of Finland on 17th of December 2013. The new act will enter into force in the beginning of 2014. Passing the act means that the Finnish police education system will be reformed in 2014.

- Basic education will become a polytechnic-level degree, which means that after the reform every police officer will graduate with a Bachelor of Policing degree. The degree will still be very practical. Skilled constables will be graduating from the Police College in the future as well, says Director of Training Petri Alkiora .

One can apply to the new Bachelor of Policing training in January. The applications are ongoing, which means that one can apply every day of the year. A new application period begins right after the first application period.

The act will also affect further training. For example police officers who want posts in the police command, such as Inspector, will in the future complete a Master of Policing degree.

» Education system reform pages

News Police University College Press releases imported from old site