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Service by publication

Service by publication

Service by publication can be used when a notification cannot be delivered by other means. This may be warranted if, for example, the recipient of the notification avoids or hides from the notification or has no contact information. For example, a notification of a driving ban decision can be served by publication, if necessary.

Service by publication can also be used when more than thirty known persons need to be served a document or when the number of people who need to be served a document is unknown.

When using service by publication, the document is made available for viewing for a predetermined period of time at the police station.

The notification of the document’s availability is published on the police website and, where necessary, in a particular newspaper where it can be assumed the addressee will best receive the information. 

Administrative Procedure Act 434/2003 (PDF) on Finlex, particularly section 62

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Asset Publisher

Häme Police Department

Eastern Uusimaa Police Department

Lapland Police Department

Southwestern Finland Police Department

Oulu Police Department

Central Finland Police Department