You will find us in these social media channels. Also many of our units have their own social media presence.
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Police on social media
Police on social media
We use social media to educate the public about police work. We also use our social media profiles as a way to quickly communicate information that could help our followers to, for example, avoid traffic jams or stay safe.
We are on social media because you are too
The police wants to be present where people are. In social media, we are involved in a large group. Each police department has its own social media accounts.
On police accounts, those who work in the police tell about their work. Welcome to follow the daily work and work of the police!
Each police organization account and expert account is listed below so you can be sure that an account really represents the Police in Finland.
Asset Publisher
Helsinki Police Department

Helsinki Police
Facebook @helsinginpoliisilaitos
Instagram @Helsinkipoliisi
Snapchat: Stadinpoliisit

Helsinki Police Band
Instagram helsinginpoliisisoittokunta
YouTube Helsingin poliisisoittokunta

Antti Kopra
Senior Constable
Facebook @konstaapelikopra
Instagram @konstaapelikopra

Jarkko Lehtinen
Chief Inspector
Chief of Special Operation Division

Juuso Metsälä
Communications Specialist
Communication preparedness and social media in Helsinki Police
Twitter @juusometsala

Mikko Niskanen
Senior Constable
Facebook @konstaapeli.niskanen
Instagram @konstaapeli.niskanen

Dennis Pasterstein
Chief Inspector
X @DPasterstein
Facebook @pasterstein
Chief of traffic monitoring function

Police dogs K9 Unit
Instagram @K9Helsinki

Michela Söderström
Senior Constable
Facebook @konstaapelisoderstrom
Instagram @konstaapelisoderstrom
Snapchat @Stadinpoliisit

The Mounted Police
Facebook @Helsinginratsupoliisi
Instagram @helsinginratsupoliisi
Häme Police Department

Häme Police Department
Twitter @hameenpoliisi
Facebook Hämeen poliisilaitos
Instagram @hameenpoliisi
TikTok @poliisi.hame
LinkedIn Poliisi-Polisen-Police of Finland
Follow us and meet the police of Häme.
Our department and experts are in social media. Above you will see our accounts that at times publish social media posts in English.
Eastern Finland Police Department

Eastern Finland Police Department
Facebook Itä-Suomen poliisi
Instagram @poliisi_is
Follow us and meet the police of Eastern Finland.

Samppa Holopainen
Police Chief
The Police Chief heads the police department, is responsible for the department’s operations and for the effectiveness, overall efficiency and development of operations.

Tomi Karhu
X @karhu_tomi
Public order and security

Minna Lindroos
Senior Constable
Preventative work at Eastern Finland Police Department in Kuopio.
Facebook @Minna Lindroos

Harri-Pekka Pohjolainen
Detective Superintendent
Preventative policing, Anchor police adolescent work in Eastern Finland.

Toni Reinikainen
Preventative policing, social media police in Eastern Finland.
Facebook @ToniReinikainen

Minna Väistö
Detective Sergeant
Preventative policing, Anchor police adolescent work in Eastern Finland.
Eastern Uusimaa Police Department

Eastern Uusimaa Police Department
X (prev. Twitter) @IUPoliisi
Facebook @itauudenmaanpoliisilaitos
Instagram @iupoliisi
TikTok @poliisi.itauusimaa
LinkedIn Poliisi-Polisen-Police of Finland
By following us you will have a glance to police work in Eastern Uusimaa area in Finland.

Jussi Huhtela
X (prev. Twitter) @HuhtelaJussi
Management of the surveillance and alarm operations sector.

Markku Koskimäki
X (prev. Twitter) @MarkkuKoskimaki
Southeastern Finland Police Department

Southeastern Finland Police Department
Twitter @poliisi_kaakko
Facebook @kaakkoissuomenpoliisi
Instagram @kaakkoissuomen_poliisi
Follow us in social media! See what the everyday police work is all about and join the online discussions relating police work.
The National Bureau of Investigation

National Bureau of Investigation
Instagram @keskusrikospoliisi
Tiktok @keskusrikospoliisi
LinkedIn Keskusrikospoliisi

Communications Centre
National Bureau of Investigation
Contact point for international police information exchange in Finland.

Cybercrime Centre
National Bureau of Investigation
Instagram @kyberkeskus
Combating cyber crime.

Timo Kilpeläinen
Head of Investigation Department, Detective Chief Superintendent
National Bureau of Investigation

Robin Lardot
Director of National Bureau ofInvestigation

Risto Lohi
Chief of Homicide Investigation Branch, Detective Superintendent
National Bureau of Investigation

Markku Ranta-aho
Chief of Staff
National Bureau of Investigation

Mikko Rauhamaa
Senior Detective Superintendent, Head of Cybercrime Centre
Cybercrime Centre, National Bureau of Investigation
Kyber- ja verkkorikollisuus.

Tommi Reen
Senior Detective Superintendent
National Bureau of Investigation
Poliisi ja juristi. Tutkinnanjohtajana KRP:n tutkintaosastolla.
Lapland Police Department

Lapland Police Department
You will find in the following social media services:
X @PoliisiLappi
Facebook @poliisilappi
Instagram @poliisilappi
LinkedIn Poliisi-Polisen-Police of Finland
Please follow us to learn more about the everyday of the police in Lapland.

Esa Heikkinen
Police Chief
X @EsaHeikkinen_
Police Chief of the Lapland Police Department

Juhana Numminen
Senior Constable
Facebook @poliisi.juhana
SnapChat: @poliisijuhana
Criminal Policing

Juhana Numminen
Senior Constable
Facebook @poliisi.juhana
SnapChat: @poliisijuhana
Criminal Policing

Iina Ruohola
Senior Constable
Facebook: @IinaRuohola
Instagram: @konstaapeliruohola_
TikTok: @konstaapeliruohola_
Anchor work, preventative work and communication preparedness.

Pälvi Suokas
Detective Superintendent
LinkedIn Pälvi Suokas
Head of the Criminal Policing
Southwestern Finland Police Department

Southwestern Finland Police Department
Facebook @LSpoliisilaitos
Instagram @LSpoliisi
TikTok @poliisi.lounaissuomi
Follow the Southwestern Finland Police on these social media platforms.

Southwestern Finland Police K9 Unit
Instagram @lspoliisik9

Jonna Finell
Senior Detective Constable
Instagram @konstapelfinell
TikTok @konstapelfinell

Minttu Hernesniemi
Senior Constable
Instagram: @konstaapeliminttu
TikTok: @konstaapeliminttu

Teemu Huttunen
Detective Sergeant
X (ent. Twitter) @PoliisiTeemu

Juuso Jonninen
Senior Constable
Facebook @poliisijuuso
Instagram @poliisijuuso
Threads @poliisijuuso

Daniel Kalejaiye
Senior Constable
Facebook @Konstaapeli Daniel
Instagram @konstaapelidaniel
Snapchat @Konstaapelidani
Discord @KonstaapeliDaniel#8437
TikTok konstaapelidaniel
Internetpolis, förebyggande verksamhet

Jutta Karrento
Detective Chief Inspector
X (ent. Twitter) @juttakarrento

Risto Lammi
Police Chief
X (ent. Twitter) @RistoLammi

Samuli Lehikoinen
Senior Detective Constable
LinkedIn Samuli Lehikoinen

Anne Lepistö
Senior Constabel
Facebook: Liikennepoliisi Lepistö

Anna Saarenoja
Communications Manager
X (ent. Twitter) @saarenoja
Lounais-Suomen poliisilaitoksen viestintäpäällikkö

Riku Sukari
Senior Constable
Instagram @Konstaapelix

Stephan Sundqvist
X (ent. Twitter) @StephanSundqvi1

Katri Tammio
Communications Specialist
X (ent. Twitter) @KatriTammio

Katri Tammio
Communications Specialist
X (ent. Twitter) @KatriTammio
Western Uusimaa Police Department

Western Uusimaa Police Department
X (prev. Twitter) @LUpoliisi
Facebook @LUpoliisi
Instagram @LUpoliisi
TikTok @poliisi.lansiuusimaa
Snapchat @Raaseporin poliisi Raseborgspolisen
LinkedIn Poliisi-Polisen-Police of Finland
You can find us in social media. Follow us to see how life is like at the Western Uusimaa Police Department.

Elina Havu
Head of Communications
X (prev. Twitter) @HavuElina

Maria Hietajärvi
Detective Chief Inspector
X (prev. Twitter) @RykMaria
Investigation of crimes against children

Aapo Isoaho
X (prev. Twitter) @AapoIsoaho

Johanna Lindroos
Senior Constable
TikTok @PoliisiJohanna
Instagram @PoliisiJohanna
Crime prevention

Johanna Lindroos
Senior Constable
TikTok @PoliisiJohanna
Instagram @PoliisiJohanna
Crime prevention

Maarit Pikkarainen
Detective Superindentent
X (prev. Twitter) @MaaritPik
Strategic planning, analysis

Jussi Päivänsalo
X (prev. Twitter) @JPaivansalo
Public Order and Security

Markus Ramstedt
Chief Inspector
X (prev. Twitter) @MarRamstedt
Public order and security, Raasepori police station

Mikko Rytkönen
Senior Constable
X (prev. Twitter) @MikkoRytknen1
Police dogs

Timo Saarinen
Police Chief
X (prev. Twitter) @TimoSaarinen15

Hannu Väänänen
Chief Inspector
X (prev. Twitter) @HannuVaan
Crime prevention, radicalism, extremism, youth, police history
Oulu Police Department

Olli Kärsämä
Senior Constable
I am employed in the Control and alarm operations sector. I supervise public order and security. My videos present the everyday of a police officer, often with a twist of humour.

Oulun poliisilaitos
You will find in the following social media services:
- X: @oulunpoliisi.
- Facebook: @oulunpoliisi.
- Instagram: @oulunpoliisi.
- Tiktok: @poliisi.oulu.
- Youtube: @oulunpoliisilaitos.
- LinkedIn: Poliisi - Polisen - Police of Finland.
Please follow us to learn more about the everyday of the police in Kainuu and Northern Ostrobothnia.

Tommi Heikkilä
I am the head of the traffic unit at the police department. In my publications, I provide information on traffic control and surveillance.

Arto Karnaranta
Deputy Police Chief
I am responsible for all operative Police activities, i.e., control and emergency operations, crime prevention and licence and permit services in the operating area of the Oulu Police Department.

Lauri Nikula
Senior Detective Constable
Snapchat "poliisilauri"
Videoblogs in Finnish: @Poliisitube
I work as an online police officer, with a preventive perspective, assisting other policing functions. In my publications, I issue warnings and give tips, talk about the police work and take a stand on topical issues.
Police University College

Police University College (Polamk)
X @Polamk
Instagram @Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu
Facebook @Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu
LinkedIn Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu − Police University College
YouTube Poliisitube (Poliisiksi playlist)

Police Dog Training Centre
Facebook @Poliisikoirat – Poliisikoiralaitos

Police Museum
Instagram @Poliisimuseo
Facebook @Poliisimuseo
YouTube Poliisimuseo

Pelipoliisi (Gaming Police)
The multiprofessional gaming activity of the police
Twitch Pelipoliisi
Discord Pelipoliisi
Instagram @pelipoliisi
YouTube Pelipoliisi

Sami Hätönen
Superintendent, Chief of Unit (Competence in public order and security)
Police University College
Instagram @samihatonen

Kimmo Järvinen
Chief Inspector, motorcycle police training
Police University College

Pasi Kemppainen
Director of Education and Research
Police University College

Pekka Kokkonen
Superintendent, International relations
Police University College

Marko Laitinen
Police University College

Vesa Muttilainen
Senior Researcher
Police University College

Heikki Mäkiprosi
Sergeant, student admissions and recruitment
Police University College

Lotta Parjanen
Head of Human Resources Development
Police University College

Pasi Puumala
Senior Constable, Gaming police project
Police University College
Gaming account Pelipoliisi_Pasi
Instagram @poliisipasi
Discord @Poliisipasi

Antti Talvitie
Senior Planning Officer, International relations
Police University College

Joni Tonteri
Superintendent, Police Dog Training Centre
Police University College
National Police Board

Police of Finland
Facebook @Suomenpoliisi
Instagram @suomen_poliisi
LinkedIn Poliisi-Polisen-Police of Finland
Threads @suomen_poliisi (reserved name)
TikTok @poliisi.suomi
You can find the Finnish police on these social media services. Many of our units, police officers and other officials have their own accounts.
Follow us and you will get to know the daily life of the police throughout Finland.

Mikko Eränen
Assistant Police Commissioner
National Police Board
On administrative leave from 1.8.2024.
X: @MikkoEranen
Changes in the security environment from the viewpoint of the police.

Sanna Heikinheimo
Deputy National Police Commissioner
National Police Board
Police Operations Unit.

Heikki Kallio
Chief Superintendent
National Police Board
Traffic Surveillance and Traffic Safety.

Sami Kalliomaa
Chief Superintendent
National Police Board
Operational environment of the police and cooperation between the authorities.

Hannu Kautto
Assistant Police Commissioner
National Police Board
X: @HannuKautto
International police cooperation.

Niina Koivisto
Chief Superintendent
National Police Board
X: @KoivistoN
Chief Superintendent, and lawyer who has worked on EU operations in the conflict areas of the world. In the Finnish National Police Board Management Support responsible for the Police Strategy, Security Strategy for society, civilian crisis management and cooperation with counterparts (e.g. memorandum of understandings).

Satu Koivu
Chief Superintendent, Chief of Human Resources
National Police Board
X: @SKoivuPOL
Human resources, Communications, International affairs.

Ilkka Koskimäki
National Police Commissioner
National Police Board
The National Police Commissioner directs, develops and supervises the work of the National Police Board and the Police. The National Police Commissioner is also responsible for the performance level and preparation of issues by the officials at the National Police Board.

Marko Luotonen
Chief of Communications
National Police Board
Control and development of Police Communications.

Mia Poutanen
Assistant Police Commissioner
National Police Board
On administrative leave from 1.7.2021.
X: @PoutanenMk
Public Order and Security and immigration issues.

Tuomas Pöyhönen
Chief Superintendent
National Police Board
Organised crime, drug-related crime.

Pasi Rissanen
Assistant Police Commissioner
National Police Board
X: @PoliisiPasi
Road safety and traffic control.

Kari Siivo
Chief Superintendent
National Police Board
X: @KariSiivo
Crime prevention.

Toni Sjöblom
X: @ToniSjoblom
Crime Combating
Poliisin tilit somessa -linkit EN
Police accounts on social media
All our units have a page for social media. Please have a look. Not all accounts post in English, but many do.
Keskustelun säännöt poliisin sosiaalisen median kanavilla YHTEINEN, ÄLÄ MUUTA
Comment rules on the police’s social media
You are welcome to chat with us, ask questions and post criticism. Please do so politely, respecting the privacy of others and without offending anyone. Base your arguments on facts.
The administrators monitor the conversations and answer questions. Due to the high volume of questions, however, we are unfortunately unable to answer everyone.
Please do not use the police’s social media to
- verbally abuse others, swear or express racist views,
- incite criminal behaviour,
- post hate messages targeted at individuals, organisations, countries or nations,
- advertise or market products and services,
- make religious or political statements, or
- post messages that could, under the Criminal Code of Finland, be classed as, for example, defamation or dissemination of information violating personal privacy.
- Posts that violate human dignity or incite criminal behaviour as well as racist and otherwise inappropriate posts can be removed.
We never comment on private matters.
Please do not send us personal information belonging to yourself or anyone else on social media. Instead, please use our secure communication channels, such as our online services, feedback or net-based tip service.
You can always find a list of the authentic social media accounts of the Finnish Police at
Tietosuoja somessa infolaatikko en
Data protection in social media
In social media, the data protection procedures of the social media platform in question apply at all times. Most social media services are located in non-EU countries, and thus the European Union’s data protection regulations do not apply.
As long as you remain on our you are on our site, but if you click on the social media add-ons, you will be on the social media platform and its DPA rules.