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Online tip-off form

Have you noticed suspicious activity on the internet? Do you suspect that something you saw may be related to an offence? Have you encountered suspicious content or material?

You can leave a tip for the police about a non-urgent matter. The police will check the tips during office hours.

When in need of urgent assistance, call the emergency number 112.

A tip is not a report of an offence or an administrative advisory service

Please do not use this form to report criminal offences. Criminal offences can be reported using our online crime report formLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab

Please complete at least the fields marked with an asterisk (*). Sessions time out after 20 minutes of inactivity.

YJA Poliisi Nettivinkki

What is the subject of your report?*
Where did you come across this information?*
What, where, when? Describe the incident or activity as precisely as possible. Mention the perpetrator’s or incident’s municipality/city, if possible.

Contact information

The contact information you provide will be handled as confidential. Please leave your contact information so that the police can ask for additional information if necessary.

Nettivinkki infolaatikko en

Privacy statement - Crime tip page

The processing of personal data in relation to the crime tip system is included in the Privacy statement under the title Personal data processing to prevent or expose crimeFile opens in a new tab pdf 524kB .