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Closed doors and secret agents?

Publication date 16.3.2011 0.00
Type:News item

Special exhibition 'From Okhrana to Supo' opens in the National Police Museum

The word 'state security police' conjures up images of dark glasses and top-secret operations. Even though counterterrorism and security operations are still part of the work of the present-day Supo (the Finnish Security Intelligence Service), the history of the security police in Finland started long before the country became independent.

The special exhibition ' From Okhrana to Supo - state security police in Finland ' opens in the National Police Museum in Tampere on Thursday 17 March 2011.

The exhibition presents the history and tasks of the different state security police forces operating in Finland, from the Gendarmerie and Okhrana (The special unit for preventing political crime) of the 19 th century, to the wartime State Police and to the present-day Supo, which was established in 1949.

For the first time in Finland, you have a chance to see what the work of 'secret agents' is really like.

You are introduced to the tools used by the security police in their work and can take a look at a cell in which those suspected of treason were kept during the Second World War. Among the largest exhibits is the armoured car belonging to Supo, which has been used for carrying dignitaries visiting Finland.

News Police Museum Press releases imported from old site