The National Police Museum will re-open on 1 October. Repair work for water damage sustained in August will be completed by the end of September, and the Museum will be open to the public on 1 October at 10:00am.
On the first weekend in October the Police Museum will be open for Tampere Day on Sunday, 3 October from 11:00am to 4:00pm. The normal Museum hours are Saturdays 12:00-5:00pm and Tuesday-Friday 10:00am-3:00pm.
Located at the Police College of Finland, the Museum has no admission fee and is open to the general public.
New special exhibitions
Two new special exhibitions will open at the National Police Museum at the beginning of October: Todisteena kuva - teknisen rikostutkinnan valokuvia Tampereelta 1920-luvulta 50-luvulle (Photographic Proof - Forensic Investigation Photographs in Tampere from the 1920s to the 1950s) and Liikkuva poliisi 80 vuotta (National Traffic Police - 80 Years).
The anniversary exhibition for the National Traffic Police offers the winning entries of a photography contest held for Traffic Police personnel and documentary photographs of a routine day. Museum visitors can also admire a Jaguar traffic patrol car at the exhibition.
Photographs in the Photographic Proof exhibition provide a glimpse into a criminal investigator's work, whilst presenting the criminal history of Tampere. In addition to the old crime and accident scene photographs, the exhibition also has notes made by investigators in preliminary investigations. A criminal investigation teacher, photographer and historian also provide their own perspectives on the photographs.
The special exhibitions will be open until 29 January 2011.