Changes in opening hours of crime reporting during summertime
Crime reporting services at the Hyvinkää, Järvenpää and Porvoo police stations have exceptional opening hours during 1.6.–29.8.2021.
From June to August reporting a crime is available as follows:
• At Hyvinkää Police Station: Mondays from 8AM to 4PM
• At Järvenpää Police Station: Tuesdays from 8AM to 4PM
• At Porvoo Police Station: Thursdays from 8AM to 4PM
Crime reporting is also available at the Vantaa Main Police Station, which is open normally from Monday to Friday from 8Am to 4.15PM. Crime reporting is possible on a first come, first serve basis. You can find all services points of Eastern Uusimaa Police Department and their opening hours online.
Reason behind the exceptional opening hours are holidays of the staff and the Covid-19 pandemic. We apologize for any inconvenience.
“It is not optimal to have exceptional opening hours, but we do our best to distribute our resources evenly around the are of our police department,” says Detective Chief Inspector Petri Eronen.
We recommend using online services whenever visiting a police station is not necessary. You can find a report also online.
Please remember that in our premises, we apply limits to the number of people present at each given moment. Please take this into consideration. Please use the mask and take care of hand hygiene whenever at the Police premises.