Defective visa pages found on individual Finnish passports

Publication date 20.8.2018 15.30
News item

The National Police Board has been notified of three Finnish passports, in which the visa page watermarks are the wrong way around. Five similar cases, brought to the attention of travel agents, have also been brought to the public’s attention.

The passports in question are so-called ‘moose passports’, which are easily recognisable from the running moose depicted on the visa pages. The passport version in question was issued between 2012 and 2016. The error is easy to spot by examining the visa pages against the light. The swan watermark on some of the visa pages is the wrong way around.

Even if your passport has the aforementioned production error, it is a genuine and valid travel document. However, problems could arise with border checks abroad, due to the error. Finnish border officials are aware of the passport production error.

If you notice that your passport is flawed, you should take it to the Police Department. You will be granted a new passport free of charge.

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