Helmetless adult cyclists set a bad example for children - Police to monitor traffic in the vicinity of schools as the new school year begins

Publication date 2.8.2019 12.59
News item

The police will ensure the safety of pupils starting the school year on weeks 32 and 33 and perform intensive monitoring of driving speeds between 12 and 18 August 2019, particularly in the vicinity of schools.

The police recommend that adults walk the route to school with their children before the school year begins.

“The child gains a clearer understanding of the school route and potential dangers by walking it in the company of an adult and deciding the safest route,” says Chief Superintendent Heikki Kallio of the National Police Board.

Kallio points out that even if the child is familiar with the basics, it is worth going over them again.

“For example, children should be reminded to always check both ways before crossing the road, even at crossings with traffic lights,” Kallio says.

Police to monitor traffic in the vicinity of schools

The police will enforce speed limits around schools from 12 to 18 August, in accordance with the European-wide enforcement theme (TISPOL). In addition to enforcing speed limits, monitoring will focus on drivers’ use of mobile phones and safety equipment and compliance with traffic rules at pedestrian crossings.

“As the new school year begins, the goal of the police is to be on the streets as visibly as possible, as this is the best way to influence peoples’ driving habits,” Kallio says.

Kallio underlines that both now as the new school year begins and in the future, drivers must pay particular attention around schools and remember their special duty of care whenever there are children on the streets.

Cyclists and light electric vehicles will also be monitored

At the start of the school year, police will also enforce rules on cycling or riding electric scooters and other vehicles on sidewalks.

“By law, only children under the age of may ride bicycles on pedestrian paths. Everyone older than 12 must use cyclist paths or the road. Many adult cyclists seem to have forgotten this rule,” Kallio says.

Electric scooters are classified as light electric vehicles (top speed 25 km/h) and may be used on cyclist paths and bike lanes. If there is no separate path or lane, electric scooters must use the right side of the roadway.

Adults must set an example for children

The police would also remind the public that, for their own safety, cyclists should always use a helmet. The power of example should also not be ignored.

“It is worryingly common to see families in which the children are wearing helmets but the parents are not. Many parents also talk into mobile phones when driving a car or riding a bicycle. Children should be set a good and safe example already from a young age,” Kallio advises.

National Police Board News Press releases imported from old site