Intensive police surveillance operation on heavy vehicle traffic next week – surveillance of heavy vehicle traffic will be a focus area of the police in traffic safety work this year

Publication date 23.2.2018 9.43
News item

The police will conduct an intensive surveillance operation on heavy traffic throughout Finland from Monday to Sunday, 26 February to 4 March 2018. All police departments in Finland will take part in the operation. The aim of the operation is to improve road safety and combat crime associated with the shadow economy and transport.

The intensive surveillance operation is also part of the Europe-wide enforcement theme of the European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL).

“From the perspective of traffic safety, we will particularly target the surveillance operation at the violation of social welfare legislation pertaining to road transport, such as compliance with the regulation on driving times and rest periods. In addition, the surveillance will be directed at inspections of loads and the condition of vehicles, because there have clearly been more problems in these areas, says Kari Onninen Chief Superintendent of the National Police Board.

During the corresponding surveillance period last autumn, around every third driver received a fine, summary penal fee or admonition. This increased slightly from the figures for 2016.

Three national surveillance themes were arranged during last year, in relation to which a total of 4,911 vehicles were checked. Four themes have been arranged for the current year.

The National Police Board will announce the national results of the surveillance on Monday 5 March. Local findings will be publicised by police departments.

National Police Board News Press releases imported from old site