Intensive traffic monitoring reveals 121 drunk drivers and 450 slightly drunk drivers

Publication date 7.8.2018 15.14
News item

Last week (30.7. - 5.8.), the police performed intensified monitoring of drunk driving. The monitoring focused particularly on traffic to and from holiday homes and on other leisure-time traffic.

A total of 100 drunk drivers were caught, of which 43 were aggravated cases. In addition, 21 drivers were under the influence of narcotics, and 17 narcotics offences were recorded. A total of 30 stopped drivers, wanted by the police, were apprehended.

The number of breathalyser tests performed totalled 32,892. The number of those who had consumed alcohol, but remained under the incriminating limit, was 453. On average, every 271st driver controlled during the week was a drunk driver. In the corresponding campaign last summer, the number was 339.

The aim of the operation and informing the public about it was to remind drivers that alcohol, other intoxicants and traffic do not go together, and to prevent serious drunk driving accidents.

National Police Board News Press releases imported from old site