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Man suspected of manslaughter in Espoo

Publication date 14.10.2024 10.27 | Published in English on 14.10.2024 at 12.01
Type:News item

A violent crime took place in Henttaa, Espoo, on October 13th. The crime is currently being investigated by the Western Uusimaa Police as a homicide. The victim and the suspect are both adult males.

The police received a call via the emergency centre to an apartment in Henttaa, Espoo on Sunday evening, October 13th, at around 8 p.m. According to the call, a suspected violent crime had taken place in the apartment. Several patrols from the Western Uusimaa and Helsinki police departments were dispatched to the scene.
After arriving at the scene, the police apprehended a man at the apartment. The suspect is aged about 65, and he is suspected of having committed the homicide with a firearm. The arrest went as the police had planned, and the suspect came out of the apartment by himself. The victim in this case is a man of about 30 years of age. The incident did not pose a danger to bystanders and, based on the information we have now, there are no other persons involved.
The investigation is currently under the heading of manslaughter, and the charge may be clarified as the investigation progresses. The police carried out a technical investigation at the scene and the next step in the investigation will be to interrogate the suspect today, October 14th. The police are investigating the motive for the act.
The police will provide further information once the investigation has progressed.

Espoo News Offences and criminal investigation Western Uusimaa Police Department