Movement restrictions in Uusimaa enter into force at night, the police are asking you to stop: Is this an essential trip? You probably already know the answer.

Publication date 28.3.2020 0.05
News item

The restrictions on movement to and from the Uusimaa region will enter into force on 28 March and remain in force until 19 April 2020. The police will monitor compliance with the movement restrictions.

Once the restrictions enter into force, the residents of Uusimaa must stay in the Uusimaa region. Residents of other regions are not allowed to visit Uusimaa. Everyone does, however, have the right to return to their home or place of residence. Recreational travel is not allowed.

The flow of goods will not be prevented even during the new restrictions. Furthermore, the restrictions do not apply to movement within Uusimaa.

Movement is also permitted in official activities and in travel for work, whether as an employee or as an entrepreneur or self-employed person, for studies or in connection with a societal position of trust or military service or any other statutory obligation, when movement is essential. Movement is not restricted if there are compelling personal reasons such as the right of access to a child or if it is essential due to the need for care, risk of death or death of a family member.

If requested by the police, people must provide an oral or a written account of the reason of their journey. The police may not prevent the movement of people for compelling reasons.

The police website provides a number of concrete examples

Even before their entry into force, the movement restrictions have raised a huge number of questions among Finns - many of them closely related to everyday life and interpretations of what is essential movement. The police cannot answer every question individually. People are first and foremost asked to consider whether travelling to or from the region is absolutely essential and whether they have a justifiable reason to do so.

The police updates questions and answers concerning the movement restrictions on their website at . If you have any questions relating to the movement restrictions imposed on the region of Uusimaa, you should first try to find the answer on this website. The national police helpline will be exceptionally available for inquiries on the restrictions during the weekend from 08.00 to 16.15 at 0295 419 800 .

The police want to emphasise that any movement violating the restrictions must be essential, because the aim of the movement restrictions is to contain the transmission of the coronavirus in order to save lives and avoid overburdening the healthcare system.

- Now is not the time to try to be bold and seek loopholes to evade supervision and the restrictions. It is important that you observe the guidelines and regulations, because it is in the interest of us all in this situation, says Konsta Arvelin , Chief Police Inspector from the National Police Board.

Easy-to-read instructions on the movement restrictions

The police have prepared an easy-to-read set of instructions on the movement restrictions and, in addition to Finnish, they will be made available in Swedish, Saami, English, Russian, Estonian, Arabic and Somali.

According to the movement restrictions, people do not need a permit to cross the border of the region of Uusimaa, but the following documents will facilitate travel for you and others:

  • Employees: Work-related travel can be proven with a work ID or a similar certificate. If your employer does not issue work IDs, you can prove your work relationship using another valid document or verbally.
  • Visit to a veterinary surgeon: Present a receipt, email or other document proving that you have an appointment. At the same time, you will need to explain what makes the visit to the vet urgent.
  • Visit to a healthcare and social welfare unit: Present an invitation, notification or other document proving that you have an appointment. Please note that you do not need to reveal information about your state of health or the reason for your visit to social welfare services. Such matters are confidential and fall under the protection of privacy.
  • Goods transport that does not fall under the provisions of the decree may be checked. In that case, present to the police your operating licence, consignment note, qualification card, or a corresponding certificate based on which you are entitled to carry out transport traffic subject to a permit.
  • Tax services and passenger transport subject to a permit: Present a passenger transport licence, for example.
National Police Board News Press releases imported from old site