The concert Together We Secure Finland (Yhdessä turvaamme Suomen) will be held at Musiikkitalo, Helsinki at 7pm on Monday 15th of May. The joint concert of the Finnish Defence Forces and the police will be attended by the Guards Band and the Helsinki Police Band.
The orchestras will be conducted by Chief Conductors Pasi-Heikki Mikkola and Sami Ruusuvuori, and the concert will be hosted by the Commander of the Finnish Defence Forces, General Timo Kivinen and Police Commissioner Seppo Kolehmainen.
– Finland's strength lies in effective cooperation between authorities, which is visible in society in many different ways. An example of this is the joint concert on 15th May. Culture is always of great importance, as it functions best as a unifying force for different communities, says Kivinen, Commander of the Finnish Defence Forces.
– The purpose of the concert is also to strengthen cooperation between the military music sector and the police band and to reach new audiences, Police Commissioner Kolehmainen continues.
Soloists in the concert, hosted by Jussi-Pekka Rantanen, are percussionist Antti Ohenoja, who interprets Hubert Hoche's masterful concerto for marimba and wind orchestra, and singer Onni Lonka, who is responsible for the concert's tuning piece, Niin kaunis on Helsinki nyt.
The concert offers festive and traditional wind music from Finland and the world. The Grand Orchestra's instruments are marches and orchestral pieces by Jean Sibelius, Timo Forsström, Anssi Tikanmäki, Gustav Holst and many other composers.
Tickets can be purchased from Ticketmaster and can the concert be followed live on free of charge.