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Underwater investigations restarted in the Gulf of Finland

Publication date 31.12.2024 17.00
Type:News item

The authorities have restarted their underwater investigations after interruption due to, for example, poor weather conditions. The criminal investigation into the cable ruptures that took place in the Gulf of Finland on Christmas Day 25 December is active and continues with also other investigative measures.

The National Bureau of Investigation continues investigative measures on board the tanker Eagle S, which is anchored in the inner anchorage of Svartbeck near the oil port of Kilpilahti in Porvoo. A crime scene investigation in underway, and the interviews of the staff continue today. Furthermore, seven staff members whose status in the criminal investigation is that of a suspect have been subjected to a travel ban.

– A travel ban is a less severe coercive measure limiting personal freedom than apprehension and arrest, and it is imposed to ensure that the criminal investigation is not compromised and that the parties can be reached during the investigation. However, further information is gathered as the investigation goes on, so it is possible that the number of those subjected to a travel ban will change, says Detective Chief Inspector Elina Katajamäki of the National Bureau of Investigation.

Besides the investigative measures on the tanker, the authorities have restarted their underwater investigations in the Gulf of Finland. The investigations are being carried out in the vicinity of the previously photographed dragging track. 

The joint operation between the authorities in the Gulf of Finland is led by the Helsinki Police Department and supported by the Border Guard. The operation continues for as long as required by the investigation, however for several days. 

Eastern Uusimaa Police Department Helsinki Helsinki Police Department Law enforcement and response News Offences and criminal investigation Porvoo The National Bureau of Investigation