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Eastern Finland Police Department communications

The communications department at Eastern Finland Police is open during office hours from 8am to 4pm. Outside office hours and if we are unable to respond, please submit your request for contact by email to and we will get back to you.

The Police helpline, tel. +358 29 5419 800 and by chat on weekdays 8am to 4.15pm,provides advice to citizens. 

Eastern Finland Police Department’s social media channels

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Our communication specialists

Asset Publisher

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Communications tasks and key figures

Our task is to provide information and increase the effectiveness of policing, such as preventing crime and disturbances. Through communications, we support people's sense of security and trust in the authorities.

Eastern Finland Police Department’s social media channels - Facebook, X and Instagram – have a total of around 85,000 followers. Our department’s individual official accounts have a total of around 10,000 followers. 

Each year we send around a thousand media releases from three regions; South Savo, North Karelia and North Savo. 

You can follow our media releases either on this police website or through the public subscription service, which anyone can sign up for to get police bulletins to their email.

Find out more about the police social media channels