Poliisi - Yhteystiedot - Poliisiasema ja poliisilaitos
In emergencies, always dial 112.
Prefer online services.
Read the instructions first before applying for a passport, identity card or other permit, or submitting a crime report.
Book an appointment beforehand, if possible.
For information about pending cases, contact the police department that is processing your case. You can request records and copies by contacting the police department or station.
If you wish, you can send a message to the police via the Police Secure Mail service. Learn more about the use of Police Secure Mail at
Police helpline
The police helpline gives advice on non-urgent matters regarding licences, appointment bookings, e-services and traffic surveillance.
Price of service
The cost for a call to the Police is
- the local network charge (pvm) if you call using a landline number
- cellular phone charge (mpm) if you use a mobile phone
- international call charge if you call from abroad.
You will pay for the call in line with your operator tariff. Waiting time is also paid for.
Forssa police station
Licence services
DescriptionWe highly recommend to use our online services for licence applications. If a visit to licence services is required or you want to leave your application personally, please book an appointment. Visiting us without booked appointment should occur only in urgent matter. Please note that queuing time can be several hours.Aseman ulko-ovi on suljettu ja sisään pääsee soittamalla summeria. Ajanvaranneet asiakkaat kutsutaan nimellä 2.kerroksen asiakastilasta.
Phone Numbers
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 430311Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
Police matters
DescriptionThe police duty desk receives reports of an offence. We kindly ask you to file crime report online.
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Police matters+358 295 414011Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 414016Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
The orders of pre-trial investigation
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost items
Heinola police station
Licence services
DescriptionHeinola police station is located at the heart of the city. We highly recommend to use our online services for licence applications. If a visit to licence services is required or you want to leave your application personally, please book an appointment. Visiting us without booked appointment should occur only in urgent matter. Please note that queuing time can be several hours. Weapon inspections and presentations are done in Lahti.Vuoronumerolla asioimaan saapuvat ottavat numerolipukkeen ja odottavat vuoroa ala-aulassa. Lupapalvelupiste sijaitsee toisessa kerroksessa.Post addressPL 28, 18101 HEINOLA
Phone Numbers
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800
Vaihde+358 295 430311Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local license
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Notice of a public event
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon licences and permits
Service informationJokaiselle aselupahakemukselle tulee varata oma aika.
- Lost documents
Police matters
DescriptionThe police duty desk receives reports of an offence. We kindly ask you to file crime report online.
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 414100Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Police matters+358 295 430311Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 437270Mon–Fri 9.00–11.00
The orders of pre-trial investigation
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Police front desk and crime reports
Hämeenlinna police station
Licence services
DescriptionWe highly recommend to use our online services for licence applications. If a visit to licence services is required or you want to leave your application personally, please book an appointment. Visiting us without booked appointment should occur only in urgent matter. Please note that queuing time can be several hours. Weapon inspections and presentations are possible with booked appointment only.Poliisiaseman ulko-ovi on suljettu. Pääset sisään painamalla ulko-oven vasemmassa reunassa olevaa summeria.Post addressPL 82, 13101 HÄMEENLINNAOpening hours
Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 8-14 as well as Wed 9-15.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Vaihde+358 295 430311Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailuilmoitus
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Väliaikainen passi
- Private security industry licensing
- Appointing a security steward
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Notice of a public event
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Presenting a weapon
- Weapon licences and permits
Service informationSuosittelemme ajan varaamista aselupahakemuksen jättämiseksi.
- Lost documents
Police matters
DescriptionLahti main police station front door is closed. At the moment the number of customers allowed in the waiting area is up to 6 people. Due to the coronavirus situation, we have to limit the number of customers in the waiting areas. Queuing at police premises is not always possble. We kindly ask you to file crime report online. If you have inquires about lost property items, see please contact by e-mail addressPL 82, 13101 HÄMEENLINNA
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Police matters+358 295 430311Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 437730Mon–Fri 9.00–11.00
The orders of pre-trial investigation
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost items
Lahti Main Police Station
Licence services
DescriptionLahti Main Police Station is located in Hennala, rigth next to an old military area. We highly recommend to use our online services for licence applications. If a visit to licence services is required or you want to leave your application personally, please book an appointment. Visiting us without booked appointment should occur only in urgent matter. Please note that queuing time can be several hours. Weapon inspections and presentations are possible with booked appointment only.Post addressPL 50, 15101 LAHTI
Phone Numbers
-----+358 295 430311Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Driving rights+358 295 437478Tue 13.00–15.00, Thu 13.00–15.00
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
Police matters
DescriptionThe front door of the police station is closed. Due to the coronavirus situation, we have to limit the number of customers in the waiting areas. Queuing at police premises is not always possble. We kindly ask you to file crime report online. If you have inquires about lost property items, see please contact our phone number 0295 414 131 or by e-mail addressPL 50, 15101 LAHTI
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 414131
National police helpline+358 295 419800
Police matters+358 295 437289
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 437270
Tip line+358 295 414222
The orders of pre-trial investigation
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Police front desk and crime reports
Presentation of firearms
DescriptionLahti main police station, ”the Lion of Hennala”, is situated in a former canteen in the Hennala garrison area. The police duty desk receives reports of an offence. You can also apply for a passport, identity card and other permits at us. We deal with lost property and firearm permit matters.Post addressPL 50, 15101 LAHTI
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800
Local licence
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- Presenting a weapon
- Weapons and firearms
Orimattila police station
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Häme Police Department. Police station is service point of local police.Ei ole asiakaspalveluaPost addressEsikuntakatu 4, 15700 LAHTI
Phone Numbers
Vaihde+358 295 430311Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Riihimäki police station
Licence services
DescriptionWe highly recommend to use our online services for licence applications. If a visit to licence services is required or you want to leave your application personally, please book an appointment. Visiting us without booked appointment should occur only in urgent matter. Please note that queuing time can be several hours.Ajan varanneet asiakkaat noudetaan porraskäytävästä.Post addressPL 69, 11101 RIIHIMÄKI
Phone Numbers
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Vaihde+358 295 430311Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
Service informationSuosittelemme ajanvarausta hakemuksen jättämistä varten.
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Notice of a public event
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon licences and permits
Service informationSuosittelemme ajanvarausta aselupahakemuksen jättämiseen.
- Lost documents
Police matters
DescriptionThe police duty desk receives reports of an offence. We kindly ask you to file crime report online.Post addressPL 69, 11101 RIIHIMÄKI
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Police matters+358 295 414183Mon 8.00–16.15, Wed 8.00–16.15, Fri 8.00–16.15
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 437905Mon–Fri 9.00–11.00
The orders of pre-trial investigation
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost items