Poliisi - Yhteystiedot - Poliisiasema ja poliisilaitos
In emergencies, always dial 112.
Prefer online services.
Read the instructions first before applying for a passport, identity card or other permit, or submitting a crime report.
Book an appointment beforehand, if possible.
For information about pending cases, contact the police department that is processing your case. You can request records and copies by contacting the police department or station.
If you wish, you can send a message to the police via the Police Secure Mail service. Learn more about the use of Police Secure Mail at
Police helpline
The police helpline gives advice on non-urgent matters regarding licences, appointment bookings, e-services and traffic surveillance.
Price of service
The cost for a call to the Police is
- the local network charge (pvm) if you call using a landline number
- cellular phone charge (mpm) if you use a mobile phone
- international call charge if you call from abroad.
You will pay for the call in line with your operator tariff. Waiting time is also paid for.
Alajärvi police station
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Ostrobothnia Police Department. Police station is service point of local police. The duty of the local police is to maintain public order and security; to take measures to prevent crime; to investigate crimes and other events threatening public order and security; to direct and monitor traffic and promote traffic safety, and to implement any other duties prescribed to the policy by law or that they are obliged to carry out. Local police are responsible for police licence services, which are offered at police service points, as well as at several joint service points across the country. Licence services provided by the police are linked to core policing operations, the maintenance of public order and safety, crime prevention and the promotion of traffic safety.Opening hours
15.12.2022–31.12.2027License services only by appointment.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 447834
National helpline and appointment booking+358 295 419800
Telephone exchange+358 295 440511
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 447341Mon–Fri 8.00–11.00
The orders of pre-trial investigation
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lost documents
Alavus police station
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Ostrobothnia Police Department. Police station is service point of local police. The duty of the local police is to maintain public order and security; to take measures to prevent crime; to investigate crimes and other events threatening public order and security; to direct and monitor traffic and promote traffic safety, and to implement any other duties prescribed to the policy by law or that they are obliged to carry out. Local police are responsible for police licence services, which are offered at police service points, as well as at several joint service points across the country. Licence services provided by the police are linked to core policing operations, the maintenance of public order and safety, crime prevention and the promotion of traffic safety.Opening hours
Tue 9-11 and 12-15.
14.8.2024–31.12.2027Police Service on Tuesdays at 9 - 11 and 12 - 15. Police Service closed weeks 7 and 9
1.10.2024–31.12.2025On Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays license services only by appointment
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 447835
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800
Telephone exchange+358 295 440511
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 447341Mon–Fri 8.00–11.00
The orders of pre-trial investigation
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lost documents
Jakobstad Police Station
Customer service
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Ostrobothnia Police Department. Police station is service point of local police. The duty of the local police is to maintain public order and security; to take measures to prevent crime; to investigate crimes and other events threatening public order and security; to direct and monitor traffic and promote traffic safety, and to implement any other duties prescribed to the policy by law or that they are obliged to carry out. Local police are responsible for police licence services, which are offered at police service points, as well as at several joint service points across the country. Licence services provided by the police are linked to core policing operations, the maintenance of public order and safety, crime prevention and the promotion of traffic safety.Post addressPL 46, 68601 PIETARSAARIOpening hours
Ti sekä to 8-11 ja 12-16.15.
17.2.2025–31.12.2027Licence services with queue number on Tuesdays at 9.00 – 11.00 and 12.00 - 15.00. Licence service is closed on Wednesdays. Possibility to book an appointment.
3.3.2025–16.3.2025Licence Service is temporalily CLOSED on 3. -14.3 2025. Appointment only.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Crime reports, local helpline+358 295 415809
Lost property+358 295 415814
Lupapalvelut neuvonta ja ajanvaraus+358 295 419800
Vaihde+358 295 440511
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lost documents
Presentation of firearm
DescriptionPresentation of firearm on the first thursday every month, only by timebooking.Opening hoursExceptions
25.11.2022–31.12.2027Presentation of firearms on the first Thursday every month, only by an appointment. Weapon interview reserves only by clerk.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Telephone exchange+358 295 440511Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Presentation of
- Weapons and firearms
- Presenting a weapon
Service informationVain ajanvarauksella.
- Weapons and firearms
Kannus police station
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Ostrobothnia Police Department. Police station is service point of local police. The duty of the local police is to maintain public order and security; to take measures to prevent crime; to investigate crimes and other events threatening public order and security; to direct and monitor traffic and promote traffic safety, and to implement any other duties prescribed to the policy by law or that they are obliged to carry out. Local police are responsible for police licence services, which are offered at police service points, as well as at several joint service points across the country. Licence services provided by the police are linked to core policing operations, the maintenance of public order and safety, crime prevention and the promotion of traffic safety.Post addressPL 5, 69101 KANNUS
Phone Numbers
Telephone exchange+358 295 440511
Kauhajoki police station
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Ostrobothnia Police Department. Police station is service point of local police. The duty of the local police is to maintain public order and security; to take measures to prevent crime; to investigate crimes and other events threatening public order and security; to direct and monitor traffic and promote traffic safety, and to implement any other duties prescribed to the policy by law or that they are obliged to carry out. Local police are responsible for police licence services, which are offered at police service points, as well as at several joint service points across the country. Licence services provided by the police are linked to core policing operations, the maintenance of public order and safety, crime prevention and the promotion of traffic safety.Opening hours
Thu 9-11 and 12-15.
15.1.2025–31.12.2025On Mondays license services only by appointment
4.2.2025–31.12.2027Police Service on Thursdays at 9 - 11 and 12 - 15. Police service closed weeks 7 and 9
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 447606
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800
Telephone exchange+358 295 440511
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 447341Mon–Fri 8.00–11.00
The orders of pre-trial investigation
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Väliaikainen passi
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lost documents
Kaustinen police station
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Ostrobothnia Police Department. Police station is service point of local police. The duty of the local police is to maintain public order and security; to take measures to prevent crime; to investigate crimes and other events threatening public order and security; to direct and monitor traffic and promote traffic safety, and to implement any other duties prescribed to the policy by law or that they are obliged to carry out. Local police are responsible for police licence services, which are offered at police service points, as well as at several joint service points across the country. Licence services provided by the police are linked to core policing operations, the maintenance of public order and safety, crime prevention and the promotion of traffic safety.Opening hours
Tue 9-11 and 12-15.
11.11.2024–31.12.2025On Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays license services only by appointment.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 415840
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800
Telephone exchange+358 295 440511
Visa extensions+358 295 449320Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00
The orders of pre-trial investigation
Kokkola police station
Customer service
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Ostrobothnia Police Department. Police station is service point of local police. The duty of the local police is to maintain public order and security; to take measures to prevent crime; to investigate crimes and other events threatening public order and security; to direct and monitor traffic and promote traffic safety, and to implement any other duties prescribed to the policy by law or that they are obliged to carry out. Local police are responsible for police licence services, which are offered at police service points, as well as at several joint service points across the country. Licence services provided by the police are linked to core policing operations, the maintenance of public order and safety, crime prevention and the promotion of traffic safety.Post addressPL 130, 67101 KOKKOLAOpening hours
Ma sekä ke, pe 9-15.
1.10.2024–31.12.2025On Tuesdays and Thursdays license services only by appointment.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Lupapalvelut neuvonta ja ajanvaraus+358 295 419800
Löytötavarat+358 295 415877
Rikosilmoitukset, neuvonta ja muut poliisiasiat+358 295 415883
Vaihde+358 295 440511
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lost documents
Presentation of firearm
DescriptionPresentation of firearm on thursdays (not the first thursday each month), only by timebooking.Opening hours
Mon-Fri 8-16.
25.11.2022–31.12.2027Presentation of firearm on Thursdays (not the first Thursday each month), only by an appointment. Weapon interview reserves only by clerk.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Telephone exchange+358 295 440511Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
- Weapons and firearms
- Presenting a weapon
Service informationVain ajanvarauksella.
- Weapons and firearms
Kristinestad Police Station
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Ostrobothnia Police Department. Police station is service point of local police. The duty of the local police is to maintain public order and security; to take measures to prevent crime; to investigate crimes and other events threatening public order and security; to direct and monitor traffic and promote traffic safety, and to implement any other duties prescribed to the policy by law or that they are obliged to carry out. Local police are responsible for police licence services, which are offered at police service points, as well as at several joint service points across the country. Licence services provided by the police are linked to core policing operations, the maintenance of public order and safety, crime prevention and the promotion of traffic safety.Opening hours
Tue 9-11 and 12-15.
1.10.2024–31.12.2025On Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays license services only by appointment. Licence services with queue number ONLY on Tuesdays.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800
Police matters+358 295 415630
Telephone exchange+358 295 440511
Visa extensions+358 295 449320Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00
The orders of pre-trial investigation
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailuilmoitus
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Notice of a public event
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lost documents
Laihia police station
Phone Numbers
Telephone exchange+358 295 440511
The orders of pre-trial investigation
Lapua police station
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Ostrobothnia Police Department. Police station is service point of local police. The duty of the local police is to maintain public order and security; to take measures to prevent crime; to investigate crimes and other events threatening public order and security; to direct and monitor traffic and promote traffic safety, and to implement any other duties prescribed to the policy by law or that they are obliged to carry out. Local police are responsible for police licence services, which are offered at police service points, as well as at several joint service points across the country. Licence services provided by the police are linked to core policing operations, the maintenance of public order and safety, crime prevention and the promotion of traffic safety.Opening hours
Tue 9-11 and 12-15.
14.8.2024–31.12.2027Police Service on Wednesdays at 9 - 11 and 12 - 15. Police service closed weeks 7 and 9
1.10.2024–31.12.2025On Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays license services only by appointment
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 415700
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800
Telephone exchange+358 295 440511
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 447341Mon–Fri 8.00–11.00
Order pre-trial investigation
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Väliaikainen passi
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lost documents
Närpiön yhteispalvelupiste
DescriptionPohjanmaan poliisilaitokseen kuuluva yhteispalvelupistePost addressNärpesvägen 4, 64200 NÄRPIÖ
This unit does not provide any services by telephone or e-mail.
Seinäjoki police station
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Ostrobothnia Police Department. Police station is service point of local police. The duty of the local police is to maintain public order and security; to take measures to prevent crime; to investigate crimes and other events threatening public order and security; to direct and monitor traffic and promote traffic safety, and to implement any other duties prescribed to the policy by law or that they are obliged to carry out. Local police are responsible for police licence services, which are offered at police service points, as well as at several joint service points across the country. Licence services provided by the police are linked to core policing operations, the maintenance of public order and safety, crime prevention and the promotion of traffic safety.Post addressPL 108, 60101 SEINÄJOKIOpening hours
Mon-Fri 8-16.15.
15.12.2022–31.12.2027Licence services with queue number at 8.00 – 15.30.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Helpline and appointment booking+358 295 419800
Lost property+358 503 024526
Police matters+358 295 415710
Telephone exchange+358 295 440511
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 447341Mon–Fri 8.00–11.00
Order pre-trial investigation records Seinä
Vaasa Main Police Station
Customer service
DescriptionVaasa main police station is situated close to the city centre. The main police station’s duty desk receives reports of an offence. You can also apply for a passport, identity card and other permits at us. We also take of matters concerning firearms permits. Booking an appointment for licence services is recommended.Opening hours
Mon-Fri 8-16.15.
2.5.2024–31.12.2027Licence services with queue number at 8.00 – 16.15. Possibility to book an appointment.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Crime reports, local helpline+358 295 415630
Extension of visa+358 295 449320Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00
Lost and found+358 295 415516
Lupapalvelut ; neuvonta ja ajanvaraus+358 295 419800
Muut poliisiasiat+358 295 415630
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 449343Mon–Fri 9.00–11.00
Vaihde+358 295 440511
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Visa extension
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lost documents
Presentation of firearms
DescriptionPresentation of firearm at the main Police Station of Ostrobotnia Police Department.KellarikerrosOpening hours
Wed 9-16.
25.11.2022–31.12.2027Presentation of firearm on Wednesdays, only by an appointment. Weapon interview reserves only by clerk.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Telephone exchange+358 295 440511
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- Presenting a weapon
- Weapons and firearms