Poliisi - Yhteystiedot - Poliisiasema ja poliisilaitos
In emergencies, always dial 112.
Prefer online services.
Read the instructions first before applying for a passport, identity card or other permit, or submitting a crime report.
Book an appointment beforehand, if possible.
For information about pending cases, contact the police department that is processing your case. You can request records and copies by contacting the police department or station.
If you wish, you can send a message to the police via the Police Secure Mail service. Learn more about the use of Police Secure Mail at
Police helpline
The police helpline gives advice on non-urgent matters regarding licences, appointment bookings, e-services and traffic surveillance.
Price of service
The cost for a call to the Police is
- the local network charge (pvm) if you call using a landline number
- cellular phone charge (mpm) if you use a mobile phone
- international call charge if you call from abroad.
You will pay for the call in line with your operator tariff. Waiting time is also paid for.
Haapajärvi police station
Licence services
DescriptionWe serve customers who have booked the appointment. We issue prepared documents and restore driving rights without an advance booking from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 11.00 and from 13.00 to 15.00.The door is locked. Call the door phone to enter.Post addressKustaa Vaasankatu 2, 85800 HaapajärviOpening hours
31.10.2024–31.12.2025Lupapalvelut vain ajanvarauksella.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
Service informationWe issue prepared documents without an advance booking from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 11.00 and 13.00 to 15.00.
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
Service informationWe restore driving rights without an advance booking from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 11.00 and 13.00 to 15.00.
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lotteries and money collections
Police matters
DescriptionWe serve customers by phone only during business hours.Post addressKustaa Vaasankatu 2, 85800 Haapajärvi
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 464265Tue 9.00–15.00, Fri 9.00–15.00
Police matters+358 295 464265Tue 9.00–15.00, Fri 9.00–15.00
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211
Tip line+358 295 416194
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost items
Presentation of firearms
DescriptionWe inspect firearms on Wednesdays from 12.00 to 16.00.
This unit does not provide any services by telephone. You may contact the unit by e-mail.E-mails
- Other permits and notifications
- Unlicensed firearms and explosives
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Presenting a weapon
- Other permits and notifications
Haapavesi police station
Licence services
DescriptionWe have customer service one to four times a month according to demand and the staff situation. Customers must book an appointment.Opening hours
31.10.2024–31.12.2025Lupapalvelut vain ajanvarauksella.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lotteries and money collections
Police matters
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Oulu Police Department.
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 464880Wed 8.00–16.00
Police matters+358 295 464880Wed 8.00–16.00
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost items
Haukipudas police station
DescriptionThe Haukipudas police station does not offer any customer services.Post addressLossikuja 1, 90830 Haukipudas
Phone Numbers
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
Hiukkavaara police station
DescriptionThe Hiukkavaara police station does not offer any customer services.Post addressPL 45, 90101 Oulu
Phone Numbers
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
Presentation of firearms
DescriptionWe inspect, hand over and receive weapons.Post addressPL 45, 90101 Oulu
Phone Numbers
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Presenting a weapon
- Weapons and firearms
Kajaani police station
Licence services
DescriptionWe invite those who have made an appointment to the service counters by name.All arriving customers undergo a security check.Post addressPL 69, 87101 KajaaniOpening hours
Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9-16 as well as Wed 8-16.15.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 464430
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Tip line+358 295 416673
Local licence
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Visa extension
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
Service informationPyydämme ilmoittamaan kenen aseita luovutus/nouto koskee
- Lotteries and money collections
Police matters
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Oulu Police Department.All arriving customers undergo a security check.
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 464430
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Police matters+358 295 416520
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Tip line+358 295 416673
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost documents
Presentation of firearms
DescriptionWe serve the customers on Wednesdays. Customers must book an appointment.Please use the side door to go to the firearms inspection.
This unit does not provide any services by telephone or e-mail.
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- Presenting a weapon
Service informationPlease use the email address to give advance information on whose firearms you are ceding or picking up.
- Weapons and firearms
Kalajoki police station
Licence services
DescriptionWe have customer service one to four times a month according to demand and the staff situation. Customers must book an appointment.Opening hours
Opening hours until 16.3.2025Parillisina viikkoina suljettu. Parittomina viikkoina suljettu.
Opening hours as of 17.3.2025Parillisina viikkoina suljettu. Parittomina viikkoina suljettu.
31.10.2024–31.12.2025Lupapalvelut vain ajanvarauksella.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval of a security inspector
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lotteries and money collections
Police matters
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 464040Thu 8.00–16.00
Police matters+358 295 464040Thu 8.00–16.00
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost items
Kuhmo police station
Licence services
DescriptionWe serve customers who have booked the appointment. We issue prepared documents and restore driving rights without an advance booking on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 11.00 and from 13.00 to 15.00.Opening hours
28.10.2024–31.12.2025Lupapalvelut vain ajanvarauksella.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 464554
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Email address of the police
Local licence
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Visa extension
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
Service informationWe issue prepared documents without an advance booking on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 16.00.
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
Service informationWe restore driving rights without an advance booking on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 16.00.
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lotteries and money collections
Police matters
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Oulu Police Department.
Phone Numbers
Police matters+358 295 465510Thu 8.00–16.00
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Email address of the police
Presentation of firearms
DescriptionWe serve the customers on Thursdays. Customers must book an appointment for the business they need to attend to.
This unit does not provide any services by telephone or e-mail.
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- Presenting a weapon
Service informationPlease use the email address to give advance information on whose firearms you are ceding or picking up.
- Weapons and firearms
Kuusamo police station
Licence services
DescriptionWe serve customers with an advance booking of the appointment. In addition, we issue prepared documents and restore driving rights on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 11.00 and from 13.00 to 15.00.Please enter the permit service premises using the main entrance of the police station, found in the corner of the building under the blue roof.Post addressPL 42, 93601 KuusamoOpening hours
Opening hours until 16.3.2025Closed
Opening hours as of 17.3.2025Closed
7.1.2025–31.12.2025Lupapalvelut vain ajanvarauksella.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Väliaikainen passi
Service informationWe issue prepared documents without an advance booking on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 16.00.
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
Service informationWe restore driving rights without an advance booking on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 16.00.
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lotteries and money collections
Police matters
DescriptionPlease enter the police on-call duty premises using the main entrance of the police station, found in the corner of the building under the blue roof.Please enter the police on-call duty premises using the main entrance of the police station, found in the corner of the building under the blue roof.
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 416624Mon 8.00–16.00, Fri 8.00–16.00
Police matters+358 295 416624Mon 8.00–16.00, Fri 8.00–16.00
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost documents
Presentation of firearms
DescriptionThe firearms inspection is accessible through the door at the side of the police station in front of the parking lot.The firearms inspection is accessible through the door at the side of the police station in front of the parking lot.Post addressPL 42, 93601 Kuusamo
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- Presenting a weapon
- Weapons and firearms
Muhos police station
DescriptionThe Muhos police station does not offer any permit services.
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 464180Wed 10.00–14.00
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Police matters+358 295 464180Wed 10.00–14.00
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost items
Oulu Main Police station
Lost property
DescriptionThe lost property office of the Oulu police station is located at the police station in downtown Oulu.
Phone Numbers
Lost property0295 416 029Mon–Thu 8.00–11.00, 12.00–16.15
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Lost items
Oulu central police station
Licence services
DescriptionWe do not check weapons at Oulu central police station, but at the Hiukkavaara police station.Post addressPL 45, 90101 OuluOpening hours
Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 8-16.15 as well as Wed 9-16.15.
6.3.2025–30.12.2026Vuoronumerojen jako lopetetaan klo 15.45
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
Police matters
DescriptionOulu central police stationPost addressPL 45, 90101 Oulu
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 416029Mon–Thu 8.00–11.00, 12.00–16.15
Police matters+358 295 416195Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost documents
Oulu main police station
DescriptionWe always book the meetings with customers in advance.The entry is at Elektroniikkatie 3-5, door A1W.Post addressPL 45, 90101 Oulu
Phone Numbers
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
Pudasjärvi police station
Licence service
DescriptionWe serve customers with an advance booking of the appointment. In addition, we issue prepared documents and restore driving rights on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 11.00 and from 13.00 to 15.00.Post addressPO Box 17, 93101 PUDASJÄRVIOpening hours
Opening hours until 16.3.2025Closed
Opening hours as of 17.3.2025Closed
7.1.2025–31.12.2025Lupapalvelut vain ajanvarauksella.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailuilmoitus
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
Service informationWe issue prepared documents without an advance booking on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 16.00.
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
Service informationWe restore driving rights without an advance booking on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 16.00.
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lotteries and money collections
Police matters
DescriptionPudasjärvi police station, police matters.
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 416641Wed 8.00–16.00
Police matters+358 295 416641Wed 8.00–16.00
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost documents
Presentation of firearms
Phone Numbers
Presentation of firearms+358 295 416641Wed 9.00–12.00
- Other permits and notifications
- Unlicensed firearms and explosives
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Presenting a weapon
- Other permits and notifications
Puolanka service point
DescriptionWe have customer service once a month according to demand and the staff situation from the beginning of September to the end of May. Customers must book an appointment for the business they need to attend to.Post addressKeskuskatu 18, 89600 SuomussalmiOpening hours
Opening hours until 30.3.2025Closed
Opening hours as of 31.3.2025Closed
28.10.2024–31.12.2025Lupapalvelut vain ajanvarauksella.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Visa extension
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lost documents
Raahe police station
Licence services
DescriptionWe recommend to book an appointment.Post addressPL 70, 92101 RaaheOpening hours
Opening hours until 31.3.2025Mon-Fri 9-16.
Opening hours as of 1.4.2025Mon-Fri 9-11.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lost documents
Police matters
DescriptionRaahe police stationPost addressPL 70, 92101 Raahe
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 465161
Police matters+358 295 465161
Tip line+358 295 416194
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost documents
Presentation of firearms
DescriptionThe entrance to firearms inspection is left to the main entrance.The entrance to firearms inspection is left to the main entrance.Opening hours
Opening hours until 16.3.2025Parillisina viikkoina suljettu. Parittomina viikkoina ke 8-11 ja 12-16.
Opening hours as of 17.3.2025Parillisina viikkoina suljettu. Parittomina viikkoina ke 8-11 ja 12-16.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Presenting a weapon
- Weapons and firearms
Sotkamo police station
DescriptionWe accept crime reports and lost property.
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Police matters+358 295 465333
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost items
Suomussalmi police station
Licence services
DescriptionWe serve customers with an advance booking of the appointment. In addition, we issue prepared documents and restore driving rights without an advance booking on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 11.00 and from 13.00 to 15.00.Opening hours
28.10.2024–31.12.2025Lupapalvelut vain ajanvarauksella.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Email address of the police
Local licence
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Visa extension
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
Service informationWe issue prepared documents without an advance booking on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 16.00.
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
Service informationWe restore driving rights without an advance booking on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 16.00.
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lost documents
Police matters
DescriptionOne of the police stations of Oulu Police Department.
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 464690Mon 8.00–16.00
Police matters+358 295 464690Mon 8.00–16.00
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost documents
Presentation of firearms
DescriptionWe serve the customers on Thursdays. Customers must book an appointment for the business they need to attend to.
This unit does not provide any services by telephone. You may contact the unit by e-mail.E-mails
Email address of the police
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- Presenting a weapon
Service informationPlease use the email address to give advance information on whose firearms you are ceding or picking up.
- Weapons and firearms
Taivalkoski police station
DescriptionThe Taivalkoski police station does not offer any customer services.
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
Vaala service point
DescriptionWe have customer service once a month according to demand and the staff situation from the beginning of September to the end of May. Customers must book an appointment for the business they need to attend to.Opening hours
28.10.2024–31.12.2025Lupapalvelut vain ajanvarauksella.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Visa extension
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lost documents
Ylivieska police station
Licence services
DescriptionWe recommend to book an appointment.Post addressPL 39, 84101 YlivieskaOpening hours
Opening hours until 31.3.2025Mon-Fri 9-16.
Opening hours as of 1.4.2025Mon-Fri 9-11.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
- Lost documents
Police matters
DescriptionPoliisipäivystys ottaa vastaan rikosilmoituksia ja löytötavaroita.
Phone Numbers
Lost property+358 295 416409
Police matters+358 295 416409
This unit does not provide any services by e-mail. You may contact the unit by phone. -
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Lost documents
Presentation of firearms
DescriptionPlease enter firearms inspection from the Kyöstintie entrance.Please enter firearms inspection from the Kyöstintie entrance.Opening hours
Opening hours until 16.3.2025Parillisina viikkoina ti 8-11 ja 12-16. Parittomina viikkoina suljettu.
Opening hours as of 17.3.2025Parillisina viikkoina ti 8-11 ja 12-16. Parittomina viikkoina suljettu.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Telephone exchange+358 295 460211Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Presenting a weapon
- Weapons and firearms