Notification about blasting works

Notification about blasting works

Notify the police, seven days in advance at the latest, of any plans to carry out rock blasting. You can make the notification through the police’s online services or by visiting a police station. The notice must include 

  • details of the location of the rock blasting site 
  • the estimated duration of the works 
  • the types of explosives to be used, 
  • the name and contact details of the site supervisor and 
  • the locations where explosives are kept and stored.

The police can impose restrictions on the intended use of explosives on the basis of the notice and order certain precautions to be taken. The police can prohibit a rock blasting operation if the blasting apparently endangers personal safety or involves the danger of damage to the environment or property.

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Proceed as follows

Notify the police about blasting works (in Finnish)