Poliisi - Yhteystiedot - Poliisiasema ja poliisilaitos
In emergencies, always dial 112.
Prefer online services.
Read the instructions first before applying for a passport, identity card or other permit, or submitting a crime report.
Book an appointment beforehand, if possible.
For information about pending cases, contact the police department that is processing your case. You can request records and copies by contacting the police department or station.
If you wish, you can send a message to the police via the Police Secure Mail service. Learn more about the use of Police Secure Mail at
Police helpline
The police helpline gives advice on non-urgent matters regarding licences, appointment bookings, e-services and traffic surveillance.
Price of service
The cost for a call to the Police is
- the local network charge (pvm) if you call using a landline number
- cellular phone charge (mpm) if you use a mobile phone
- international call charge if you call from abroad.
You will pay for the call in line with your operator tariff. Waiting time is also paid for.
Hamina police station
DescriptionThe permit services of the Hamina police station are served in the premises of the defense properties, Isoympyräkatu 10. The place is also known as Rakennus No. 56. You drive into the yard from the Jääkärinkatu gate, from which you immediately turn right. The police station is open on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m to 4:15 p.m. You can deal with various permit matters, for example ordering passports (no seaman's passes) and identity cards, only gun matters and driver's license matters are handled in Kotka. The found goods will be received by Hamina´s business service center Rinkeli, Puistokatu 6. You can leave small finds there, e.g. wallets, keys, mobile phones. For large lost items, please call Kotka's lost items number 0295 435 610. The business service point also assists with appointment matters and is open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m. Our other police stations are in Kotka, Kouvola, Lappeenranta and Imatra.Post addressRuukinkatu12, 48100 KOTKAOpening hours
Opening hours until 20.4.2025Tue 9-12 and 13-16.15.
Opening hours as of 21.4.2025Tue 9-12 and 13-16.15.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Local licence services+358 295 435464
Lost property+358 295 435610
Telephone exchange+358 295 430331Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Local licence
- Advice and appointment booking
- Appointment booking
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
Service informationSmall found items can be taken to Hamina city service office, which is open Mon - Fri.
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailuilmoitus
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Notice of a public event
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Advice and appointment booking
Imatra police station
DescriptionImatra police station is situated in Mansikkala, Imatra. The main entrance is from Tainionkoskentie and the accessible entrance from Liikemiehenkuja. The police duty desk receives reports of an offence on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9.00—12.00. You can also apply for a passport, identity card and other permits at us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9.00–12.00 and 13.00–16.15. Lappeenranta police station deals with lost property. You can inquire after lost keys during Imatra Licence Service opening hours and other lost property by tel. 0295 437 030 (Mon–Fri 9–11). Weapon inspections by appointment in Lappeenranta on Mondays from 9 am to 11 am and 12 pm to 2 pm, in Imatra on Thursdays from 9 am to 11 am and 12 pm to 2 pm. You can book an appointment at 0295 437 084 or 0295 436 980.
Phone Numbers
Crime reports, local helpline+358 295 435400Mon–Fri 9.00–12.00
Local licence services+358 295 437144Mon–Fri 9.00–11.00
Lost property+358 295 437030Mon–Fri 9.00–11.00
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Presentation of firearms+358 295 437084
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 437163
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arpajaislupa
- Arvauskilpailuilmoitus
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Other permits and notifications
- Explosives precursor licence
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Unlicensed firearms and explosives
- Visa extension
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
Service informationPermit services are open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 4:15 pm. Without an appointment, take the shift number and be prepared to wait in line.
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
Service informationTuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Shift numbers are in use.
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Presenting a weapon
- Weapon licences and permits
Service informationWeapon inspection on thursdays by appointment, phone 0295 437 084 or phone 0295 436 980
- Lost documents
Kotka police station
DescriptionKotka Police Station is situated near the city centre, at the end of Keskuskatu. The police duty desk receives reports on mondays and on wednesdays from 9.00—15.00. You can also apply for a passport, identity card and other permits at us. If the matter requires a personal visit, we recommend that you book an appointment in advance. To inquire after lost property, come visit our info desk (Mon–Fri 9–16.15) or call 0295 435 610 (Mon–Fri 8–11 and 13–16). For firearm permits, we open by appointment only.Firearm inspections are made on Thursdays from 9.00–11 and 13-15 without appoitment.Post addressPL 142, 48101 KOTKAOpening hours
Opening hours until 6.4.2025Mon-Fri 9-16.15.
Opening hours as of 7.4.2025Mon-Fri 9-16.15.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Crime reports, local helpline0295 435 400Mon–Fri 9.00–12.00
Local licence services+358 295 435464Mon–Fri 9.00–11.00
Lost property+358 295 435610Mon–Fri 9.00–16.15
Presentation of firearms+358 295 435558
Telephone exchange+358 295 430331Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 435431
Valtakunnallinen neuvonta ja ajanvaraus+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
Service informationInformation point ma–pe 9.00–16.15
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Visa extension
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
Service informationMon and wed 9-15 Queuing numbers in use.
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Public meeting
- Yleisötilaisuusasiat
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Presenting a weapon
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
Service informationFor other matters, make an appointment in advance, tel. 0295 435 558
Gun inspections are held on Thursdays with a queue number from 9 am to 11 am and 1 pm to 3 pm
Gun license applications and European firearms passports by appointment: or by calling the number of local license services on 0295 435 464 Mon-Fri from 9 am to 11 am
- Lost documents
Kouvola Main Police Station
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 8-16.15.
5.1.2023–31.12.2027Poliisipäivystys on avoinna ma-pe klo 9-15.
3.2.2023–31.12.2027Infopisteessä sijaitseva löytötavaratoimisto on avoinna ma-pe klo 8-12 ja 13-16.15. Voit kysyä kadonnutta omaisuuttasi asioimalla paikalla, soittamalla tai sähköpostilla.
1.5.2023–31.12.2027Lupapalvelut on avoinna ma-pe klo 8-16.15. Palvelemme pääsääntöisesti ajanvarauksella ja ajanvarausasiakkaat kutsutaan nimellä ilman erillistä ilmoittautumista. Jos et varaa aikaa, ota vuoronumero ja varaudu jonottamaan. Vuoronumerolaite sulkeutuu klo 16.00. Valmiin asiakirjan voi noutaa vuoronumerolla klo 16.15 asti.
Use our e-services at
Phone Numbers
Crime reports, local helpline+358 295 435400Mon–Fri 9.00–12.00
Inspection of firearms+358 295 435430
Local licence services+358 295 435900Mon–Fri 9.00–11.00
Lost property+358 295 435511
National police helpline+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Telephone exchange+358 295 430331Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 435520Mon–Fri 9.00–15.00
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
Service informationAvoinna ma-pe klo 8-12 ja 13-16.15 Infopisteessä sijaitsevasta löytötavarapalvelusta voit kysyä kadonnutta omaisuuttasi asioimalla paikalla, soittamalla tai sähköpostilla. Kadonneita avaimia kannattaa tulla kysymään paikan päälle.
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Visa extension
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Väliaikainen passi
Service informationLupapalvelut avoinna ma-pe klo 8-16.15. Palvelemme pääsääntöisesti ajanvarauksella ja ajanvarausasiakkaat kutsutaan nimellä ilman erillistä ilmoittautumista. Ilman ajanvarausta ota vuoronumero ja varaudu jonottamaan. Vuoronumerolaite sulkeutuu klo 16.00. Valmiin asiakirjan voi noutaa vuoronumerolla klo 16.15. asti. Anottaessa uutta passia tai henkilökorttia, mahdollinen voimassaoleva tai vanhentunutkin asiakirja on hyvä ottaa mukaan.
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
- Private security industry licensing
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of a security inspector
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Notice of a public event
- Public meeting
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Presenting a weapon
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
Service informationAsetarkastus on avoinna keskiviikkoisin klo 9-11 ja 13-15 ilman ajanvarausta. Ota vuoronumero ja siirry odottamaan huoneeseen nro 3. Muussa asioinnissa aika on sovittava erikseen asetarkastuksesta p. 0295 435 430.
Aselupahakemukset ja Euroopan ampuma-asepassit ajanvarauksella: tai soittamalla paikallisten lupapalvelujen numeroon 0295 414 411 ma-pe klo 9-11 Asetarkastukset tehdään ilman ajanvarausta keskiviikkoisin klo 9-11 ja 13-15. Ota vuoronumero ja siirry odottamaan huoneeseen nro 3. Muussa asioinnissa sovi aika etukäteen asetarkastajalta puh. 0295 435 430
- Lost documents
Lappeenranta police station
DescriptionLappeenranta police station is situated right in the city centre, next to the City Hall. The police duty desk receives reports of an offence on Mondays and Thursdays from 9.00—15.00. You can also apply for a passport, identity card and other permits. Info desk and lost property service are open Mon–Fri 9–12 and 13–16.15. You can also inquire after lost property tel. 0295 437 030 (Mon–Fri 9–11). Weapon inspections by appointment in Lappeenranta on Mondays from 9 am to 11 am and 12 pm to 2 pm, in Imatra on Thursdays from 9 am to 11 am and 12 pm to 2 pm. You can book an appointment at 0295 437 084 or 0295 436 980.
Phone Numbers
Crime reports, local helpline+358 295 435400Mon–Fri 9.00–12.00
Local licence services+358 295 437060Mon–Fri 9.00–11.00
Lost property+358 295 437030Mon–Fri 9.00–11.00
Nationwide police customer service and bookings+358 295 419800Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
Presentation of firearms+358 295 437084
The orders of pre-trial investigation records+358 295 437196
- Lost documents
- Asiakirjojen katoamisilmoitukset
- Lost items
- Lost property
- Lotteries and money collections
- Arvauskilpailuilmoitus
- Arvauskilpailulupa
- Licences pertaining to certain kinds of game machines and gaming devices
- Non-money lottery licences
- Non-money prize machine licence
- Notification of small-scale fundraising
- Other permits and notifications
- Notice of a firework display
- Rock blasting notice
- Unlicensed firearms and explosives
- Visa extension
- Passport and id-card
- Foreigner’s identity card
- Identity card
- Passihakemus
- Todistus ensitunnistuksesta
- Police front desk and crime reports
- Reporting an offence
Service informationMondays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Shift numbers are in use.
- Private security industry licensing
- Appointing a security steward
- Approval as a guard
- Approval as a temporary guard
- Approval of security stewards
- Security officer certification
- Public events
- Notice of a public event
- Public meeting
- Right to drive
- Ajokortin erityisehdot ja luokan alentaminen
- Ajokortinhaltijan terveydentilan valvonta
- Alkolukkoajokortti
- Reinstating the right to drive
- Weapons and firearms
- Aseiden luovutus/noutaminen
- European Firearms Pass (EFP)
- Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons
- Presenting a weapon
- Weapon collector authorisation
- Weapon licences and permits
Service informationWeapon inspection on mondays by appointment, phone 0295 437 084 or phone 0295 436 980
- Lost documents