
Poliisi - Yhteystiedot - Poliisiasema ja poliisilaitos

Police helpline

The police helpline gives advice on non-urgent matters regarding licences, appointment bookings, e-services and traffic surveillance.
The national police helpline gives advice on non-urgent matters regarding passports, identity cards, and other licence matters, appointment bookings and e-services. You can also ask for advice on matters related to automatic traffic surveillance as well as traffic, crime reports and lost property. The service is available in Finnish and Swedish.
  • Street address
    Pasilanraitio 11, 00240 HELSINKI
  • Phone Numbers
    • Switchboard
      +358 295 470011
    • National police helpline
      +358 295 419800
      Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15

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Police Customer Service Helpline and booking of appointments

The Police Helpline gives general advice in non-urgent issues related to passports, personal ID cards, other Police permit questions, booking of appointments and digital services.

Police Customer Helpline 0295 419 800

Opening hours Mon-Fri from 8.00 to 16.15, Sat and Sun closed

We also help you in questions related to automated traffic controls as well as in traffic, Police report and lost property issues.

The chat is open on the website when the expert is available.

In emergencies, always dial 112.

Before contacting 

Before contacting the Helpline, please read the site carefully. It is advisable to look at the FAQ at the bottom of this page. 

We provide advice in Finnish and Swedish.

The Helpline is not open on official holidays. 

Service response times and statistics

The Service is contacted daily 1 200 times on average. The approximate waiting time from the call to the contact is about 5 minutes. It is good to know that the first days of the week, especially Monday, and lunchtimes are the busiest with most calls coming in. 

Price of service

The cost for a call to the Police Customer Service Helpline is

  • the local network charge (pvm) if you call using a landline number
  • cellular phone charge (mpm) if you use a mobile phone
  • international call charge if you call from abroad.

You will pay for the call in line with your operator tariff (the service is free from extra charge). Waiting time is also paid for.

Use the chat for asking about permits

The chat icon is visible during office hours on the permit sites with access to a chat. The chat is open on the website only when the expert is available. The chat provides you with easy access to general advice and instructions on the following topics.

  • passport application
  • personal ID card application
  • firearm licences
  • private security sector permits
  • booking for appointments and digital services.

The chat is at your service on weekdays between 8.00 and 16.00. 

Our objective is to respond within 30 seconds from the beginning of the chat. 

N.B. The chat service in permit questions is intended for general advice only. Please do not feed in your own or other people’s personal data. For information security and data protection reasons, we cannot provide answers or process issues related to eventually pending processes or validity of permits. 

Data protection and the processing of personal data by the police

Poliisin neuvontapalvelu UKK otsikko en

Frequently asked questions

Poliisin neuvontapalvelusta kysyttyjä ajankohtaisia kysymyksiä UKK en

Neuvontapalvelun UKK alaotsikko1 en


Using your passport- haitarit

Suomen passien ominaisuudet - haitarit en

Cancelling the passport - haitarit

Näin haet passia - haitarit en

Submitting passport photographs - haitarit

Neuvontapalvelun UKK alaotsikko2 en

Identity card

How to use the identity card - haitarit

Neuvontapalvelun UKK alaotsikko3 en


Liikenneturvallisuus ja valvonta - UKK haitari en