Fewer sanctions than earlier in heavy traffic control campaign

Publication date 18.10.2023 12.04
News item

The intensified control campaign of heavy traffic found a change for the better in compliance with driving hours and rest periods and in the securing of loads. All police departments took part in the campaign, which took place on 9-13 October.

A total of 1,320 heavy-duty vehicles, 19% of which were non-Finnish, were inspected during the campaign period.

“Comparing the results of this control period to the results of similar monitoring themes earlier, we can note that around 25% fewer individual vehicles than earlier were inspected and the number of sanctions was almost halved,” says Chief Superintendent Kari Onninen.

There were a total of around 200 sanctions issued (2022: 415) in this control campaign.

The biggest changes were seen in the decrease in driving hour and rest time infringements, of which there were 56 (-159) incidents reported and in defectively secured loads, of which 37 (-36) cases were found.

The police found 35 cases of overloading, which remained unchanged compared the previous level.

The police spent around 2,200 working hours on the control campaign.

The aim of the campaign was to improve road safety and to combat crime associated with the grey economy and transport. Control particularly focused on compliance with driving hours and rest times, securing loads, vehicle condition and overloading.

National Police Board News Traffic