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Final report of the working age programme

Police working age programme
Eränkö, Tiina
Koivu, Satu
Kammonen, Katariina
Publications of the National Police Board
ISSN (pdf)
ISBN (pdf)

The background for the project was formed by the changes in the working life of public administration. Public finances are shrinking, resources are becoming scarce and the operational environments of the civil service departments are undergoing changes. The retirement age is rising and the governmental personnel is ageing. In the future, working life will become increasingly more complex and it will also require new kinds of skills and know-how from the personnel. In the changing and hectic working life, constant reform and maintaining the ability to work are important for employees of all age.

The police working age programme was a development programme of many years for the purpose
of finding measures for extending careers and maintaining the ability to work. During 2016–2018, the working age programme of the police innovated and implemented measures that will improve HR management, career planning, maintenance of occupational health and functional capacity, and develop the terms and conditions of the employment relationship. The objective was to increase productivity, reduce costs arising from sick leave absences and disability pensions, and encourage personnel to continue longer in their working lives.

As a result of the project, several new operating models were developed and implemented in the police administration in the areas of management, career planning, well-being at work and the terms of the employment relationship. The project themes will be partly continued in the ‘Police 2025 - workplace for the future’ project established in the beginning of 2019.

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