Intensive police campaign in July to monitor the use of intoxicants in traffic

Publication date 9.8.2023 9.57
News item
Total number of fatalities and injuries in accidents due to driving while intoxicated in 2020-2022. The figure is lowest with 12 persons in February and rises steadily to reach the highest figure of 71 in July. The figure then gradually decreases towards the end of the year. The figure for January is 23. 
Total fatalities and injuries in accidents caused by driving while intoxicated by month 2020-2022. 

July is a gloomy time in traffic, with more road traffic accidents resulting in injuries due to driving while intoxicated in July than in other months. The police intensified their monitoring of the use of intoxicants on the roads and on water across the country from 3 to 30 July 2023. The police breathalysed almost 64,000 drivers.

The monitoring campaign was against the background of July seeing far more accidents resulting in injuries due to driving while intoxicated than other months between 2020 and 2022. Recent years have seen a July average of 80 victims in collisions due to driving while intoxicated. 

The police breathalysed a total of 63,746 drivers on land and water and carried out 1,204 mouth swab tests in July. 

The police caught a total of 1,574 people suspected of driving while intoxicated in road traffic. Of these, 910 were suspected of having drunk alcohol only, 143 were suspected of mixed substance use and 521 persons were suspected of having used some other narcotic substance.

The police reported a total of 37 offences involving the operation of a watercraft while intoxicated. 

“The July monitoring campaign was successful. Although there were over 10,000 more breathalyser tests than last July, the police caught around 200 fewer people suspected of driving while intoxicated,” says Chief Superintendent Tuomo Katajisto. 

Based on preliminary report of offence data, there were 106 collisions involving driving while intoxicated compared to 125 in July last year. Only one collision resulted in a fatality and 27 resulted in injuries. This compares with 8 fatalities and 53 injuries caused by collisions in July last year. As in earlier years, there were more than 50 collisions involving driving while intoxicated that resulted in injury.

“There were far fewer collisions resulting in injury due driving while intoxicated in July this year than in earlier years even though this was not directly due to monitoring. Let’s hope that fewer drivers get behind the wheel when intoxicated. Driving under the influence increases the risk of accident and road fatalities,” Katajisto adds.

Driver fitness to drive was also monitored during the July monitoring campaign and the police ordered 23 drivers to check their fitness to drive. 

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