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Police Day will feature events in Helsinki in three place

Publication date 19.7.2024 8.10
Type:News item

Come and meet the police on 10 August at 12 noon–3 pm on Kansalaistori, Itis Shopping Centre and Ylä-Malmin tori.

This year’s tradition of the national Police Day takes place in three different locations in Helsinki. The event will be held on Kansalaistori, the Itis Shopping Centre and Ylä-Malmin tori, on 10 August at 12 noon–3 pm. 

All the event sites will feature Police equipment and plenty of police officers for people to talk to. This year’s theme is “Online Conveniences and Threats,” which is a theme that will allow the people to talk to police officers about how to use the internet safely and about how to protect yourself from online crime. 

“We consider events like this, where we can talk to the citizens about safety and their sense of security. Police Day is an excellent opportunity to tell people about the different police functions and what they do. It is the job of the Police to be where the people are,” says Jari Liukku, Police Chief at Helsinki Police Department.

Police quad-bikes, bikes, police cars and bicycles will be available at the event sites, along with the Police Lion. Musicians from the Helsinki Police Band will be playing music in small groups at each site during 2–3 pm. Mounted police will make appearances at the event sites as follows: 

  • Ylä-Malmin tori 12 noon–1 pm
  • Tallinnanaukio 2–3 pm
  • Kansalaistori 12:30–2:30 pm

Additionally, the Police’s Permit Services will be bringing their identification van to Ylä-Malmin tori, where you will be able to provide your fingerprints for a travel document. Please remember to complete and pay the document online in advance. 

What do you value about the police?

This year, the police are thinking about values. Our goal is to identify the most important values that guide the police and reinforce them in late 2024. During Police Day, customers have an opportunity to tell the police what they expect from Finland’s police force and what kinds of things they value about the police.  

The Police do an important job in society, and success requires that their operations are based not only on laws and regulations, but a strong set of values as well. Trust is a requirement for police activities that must be earned through each situation and customer encounter – in accordance with Police values.

Police Day events will be held on 10 August in various towns and cities in Finland. Read about the events and their themes on social media with the hashtags #PoliisinPäivä, #PolisensDag and #PoliceDay. Further information on all national events is available on Police Day – Police Day is an event organised by the police for citizens – Police

Helsinki Helsinki Police Department Law enforcement and response Licence services News Offences and criminal investigation Police education Police operations and development Preventive Police Work Traffic