The police supervised narcotics offenses in an intensified campaign
The number of narcotics offenses, detected in the intensified supervision campaign conducted by the narcotics offence prevention unit of the police from 29 May to 4 June 2023, increased clearly from last year’s levels. The number of minors suspected of having committed an offense also increased slightly. The number of first-time offenders remained almost unchanged.
The police supervised and prevented narcotics offenses in a week-long intensified campaign, targeting the sales and trafficking of narcotics in the streets and in apartments. All police departments participated.
As result, police departments reported a total of 105 narcotics offenses (up by 31 from the previous supervision campaign), 207 cases of unlawful use of narcotics (+85) and nine aggravated narcotics offenses (+6).
25 cases are suspected of being linked with online sales of narcotics (-10). Moreover, 38 cases of driving under the influence (+16) and eight property crimes were detected.
In connection with the suspected offenses, the police apprehended 67 suspects and also found 39 wanted persons.
Narcotics and proceeds of crime confiscated
The supervision campaign resulted in the confiscation of 2 kg of marihuana and about 1.5 kg of hashish, 3.4 kg of amphetamine and 80 g of cocaine, as well as 570 tablets of extasy and 400 tablets of Subutex.
As proceeds of crime, approximately 32,000 euros in cash were confiscated. In addition, 15 firearms were confiscated as well.
All in all, 305 suspects, of whom 28 under the age of 18, were subjected to police measures. 36 suspects were caught as first-time offenders in narcotics offenses.
For the criminal cases detected during the campaign, already concluded, 72 requests for fine were issued. The police also issued 22 cautions and conducted 76 interviews for referral to treatment.
- The number of narcotics offenses detected and uncovered was clearly higher than at the same time last year. The targeting of control and the resources available have a material impact on the number of narcotics offenses detected and uncovered. The reports submitted by police departments indicate that they spent almost the same amount of working hours on the supervision campaign as before, says Chief Superintendent Kari Siivo from the National Police Board.
- The number of suspects caught was clearly higher than before and the number of minors increased somewhat as well, as did the number of firearms confiscated. The proceeds of crime taken in possession by the police was similar to that last year, he continues.
- After the declining trend in the two previous years, it seems that the number of narcotics offenses is at the same level as in previous years. Narcotics offenses are primarily hidden crimes and a wide range of cases are detected in supervision. The results of the intensified supervision campaign support this observation nationwide, says Siivo.