Poliisi - Yhteystiedot - Poliisiasema ja poliisilaitos

Security Sector Supervision unit

The National Police Board and its Security Sector Supervision unit are responsible for providing general guidance for private security services and their supervision. It grants business licences for the security sector upon application - approves the persons in charge, managers and deputies and temporary managers for business licence holders, as well as trainers for the use of force and use of firearms, and in security stewarding - makes amendments to the terms and conditions and limitations of business licences for the security sector or the licences of individuals and cancels licences for the security sector, either upon application or at the request of the authorities.
  • Street address
    Jääkärinkatu 33, 50130 MIKKELI
  • Phone Numbers
    • Switchboard
      0295 480 181
    • Telephone exchange
      0295 480 181