Poliisi - Yhteystiedot - Poliisiasema ja poliisilaitos

Hämeenlinna police station, licence services

One of the police stations of Häme Police Department.
Hämeenlinna Police Station licence service is only available by scheduled appointmets. Due to the coronavirus situation, we have to limit the number of customers in the waiting areas. The front door of the police station is closed and access to the waiting area is limited. If you haven’t booked an appointment and your case cannot be postponed to a later date, please contact the number 0295 437 350. We kindly ask our customers to apply for licenses or make an appointment in advance online.

In emergencies, always dial 112.

Prefer online services.

Read the instructions first before applying for a passport, identity card or other permit, or submitting a crime report.

Book an appointment beforehand, if possible.

For information about pending cases, contact the police department that is processing your case. You can request records and copies by contacting the police department or station.

The cost for a call to the Police is

  • the local network charge (pvm) if you call using a landline number
  • cellular phone charge (mpm) if you use a mobile phone
  • international call charge if you call from abroad.

You will pay for the call in line with your operator tariff. Waiting time is also paid for.

Street address

Hattelmalantie 2, 13130 HÄMEENLINNA
Poliisiaseman ulko-ovi on suljettu. Pääset sisään painamalla ulko-oven vasemmassa reunassa olevaa summeria.

Post address


Phone Numbers

  • Switchboard
    +358 295 430311
  • Nationwide police customer service and bookings
    +358 295 419800
  • Vaihde
    +358 295 430311
