
Organisaatio ja johto Oulun poliisilaitos hero

Organisation and management

The Police Department is directed by the Police Chief. Our organisational chart includes the Police Services and four units: Legal unit, Staff unit, HR unit and Finance unit.

In numbers of staff, the Police Services line is the largest. It is directed by the Deputy Police Chief. The Police Services is made of three sectors, the Control and alarm operations, Crime prevention and Permits.

A police officer in uniform reads a law book.

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Direction of the Oulu Police Department

Asset Publisher

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Work at Oulu Police Department

This Police Department employs about 750 persons, and 610 of them are Police Officers. Our work community also includes experts of law, economy, ITC, HR, administration and communications. We also provide training opportunities to university students.

Our area of operation extends from the Bay of Bothnia to Finland’s eastern border. Most of our staff works in the Oulu area, and our Central Police Station is also located in the City of Oulu. There are five police stations in Jokilaaksot, four police stations in Kainuu and three in Koillismaa.

Owing to our wide geographical range, we can offer varied duties both in cities, rural areas and tourist centres. Kainuu and Northern Ostrobothnia have excellent possibilities for leisure activities both in terms of nature, sports and culture. You can spend your time off both at the sea, lakes and rivers as well as in the forested hills and fells of the inland areas.

Please read more at the Careers with us site.