
Oulun poliisilaitoksen viestintä hero

Communications at the Oulu Police Department

The Oulu Police Department Communications is available for service during office hours. Please call us by phone at 0295 464 490. Should we not be able to respond, please send a contact request by email to We well return your call or email during office hours.

The advice and instructions to the general public are provided by the Police national helpline from 8.00 to 16.15 on weekdays. Please call 0295 419 800 or go to the national chat.

Social media channels of Oulu Police Department.

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Our communication specialists

Asset Publisher

Oulun poliisilaitos viestintä infolaatikko

Communication tasks and key indicators

Our main task is to provide information and advice, as well as improve the impact of Police operations, including crime and disturbance prevention. Our communications also aim at supporting the sense of security and trust in the authorities among the general public.

On an annual basis, we publish about 350 news on the events in Norther Ostrobothnia and Kainuu. Please go to these Police sites to follow our news. You can also order the Police news release feed to your email address, using the public news order service.

Our social media channels – Facebook, Instagram and X – have over 100,000 followers in total. Individual staff members of the Department also have expert accounts in the social media. Learn more about the Police social media channels.