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List of fees
List of fees 2025
Processing applications and notices is subject to a fee.
Local police fees
Paikallispoliisin maksut - haitarit en
- Passport EUR 57
- Passport, electronic application EUR 53
- Passport for veterans of Finnish wars EUR 25
- Passports for veterans of Finnish wars, electronic application EUR 22
- Passport, rapid delivery EUR 76
- Passport, rapid delivery, electronic application EUR 72
- Passport, express delivery EUR 96
- Passport, express delivery, electronic application EUR 92
- Temporary passport EUR 92
- Seaman's passport EUR 72
- Seaman's passport, electronic application EUR 68
- Identity card EUR 67
- Identity card, electronic application EUR 63
- Identity card, when the application is submitted together with a passport application
EUR 59
- Identity card, when an electronic application is submitted together with a passport application EUR 55
- Identity card, rapid delivery EUR 85
- Identity card, rapid delivery, electronic application EUR 81
- Identity card, rapid delivery when the application is submitted together with a passport application EUR 77
- Identity card, rapid delivery, when an electronic application is submitted together with a passport application EUR 73
- Identity card, express delivery EUR 104
- Identity card, express delivery, electronic application EUR 100
- Identity card, express delivery when the application is submitted together with a passport application EUR 96
- Identity card, express delivery, when an electronic application is submitted together with a passport application EUR 92
- Alien's identity card EUR 67
- Alien's identity card, electronic application EUR 63
- Alien's identity card, rapid delivery EUR 85
- Alien's identity card, rapid delivery, electronic application EUR 81
- Alien's identity card, express delivery EUR 104
- Alien's card, express delivery, electronic application EUR 100
- Minor's identity card (without travel right) EUR 47
- Minor's identity card (without travel right), electronic application EUR 43
- Minor's identity card (without travel right), when the application is submitted together with a passport application EUR 39
- Minor's identity card (without travel right), when an electronic application is submitted together with a passport application EUR 35
- Minor's identity card (without travel right), rapid delivery EUR 65
- Minor's identity card (without travel right), rapid delivery, electronic application EUR 61
- Minor's identity card (without travel right), rapid delivery, when the application is submitted together with a passport application EUR 57
- Minor's identity card (without travel right), rapid delivery, when an electronic application is submitted together with a passport application EUR 53
- Minor's identity card (without travel right), express delivery EUR 84
- Minor's identity card (without travel right), express delivery, electronic application EUR 80
- Minor's identity card without travel right, express delivery, when the application is submitted together with a passport application EUR 76
- Minor's identity card (without travel right), express delivery, when an electronic application is submitted together with a passport application EUR 72
- Temporary identity card EUR 52
- Renewal of the activation number of the citizen certificate EUR 25
- Personal identification EUR 52
(Population Information Act (661/2009) sections 66 and 67, Act on Strong Electronic Identification and Electronic Signatures (617/2009) section 17)
Permits and licences for firearms and firearms components and trade permit for firearms dealing
- Firearms permit EUR 126
- Additional permit for the same type of permit applied for at the same time EUR 59
- Acquisition permit for person living abroad EUR 48
- Parallel permit, gas sprayer permit, ammunition permit, firearms permit for chemical sprays EUR 48
- Firearms handling permit EUR 53
- Notification of a firearm component or a powerful airgun EUR 40
- Certification as a firearms instructor EUR 88
- Firearms instructor training EUR 43
- Duplicate, other additional permit of the same type applied for at the same time or an additional licence or alteration of a firearms instructor licence EUR 43
Approval of firearms officers
- Approval of a firearms officer EUR 88
- Duplicate of the approval of the firearms officer EUR 43
Deactivated firearms
- Inspecting a deactivated firearm EUR 54
Inspection of storage facilities
- Inspecting the new storage facilities of a firearms dealer EUR 126
(Firearms Act 1/1998 (20) (3))
- Other inspections of storage facilities EUR 126
Private conveyance and importing
- Private prior informed consent, private conveyance or import permit or consent EUR 43
- European firearms pass EUR 92
- Altering information entered on a European firearms pass or extending its validity
EUR 43
- Additional page in the European firearms pass EUR 43
Guessing games
- Processing of a notification on the running of a guessing game EUR 50
- Altering the purpose of the guessing game proceeds EUR 47
- Special permit on the announcement of the result EUR 47 (separate decision)
- Licence for the use of certain game machines and equipment EUR 50 (Lotteries Act 56§)
Money collection
- Notification of small-scale fundraisind EUR 90
Non-money lotteries
- Non-money lottery licence EUR 112
- Altering a non-money lottery licence EUR 55
- Special permit on the announcement of the lottery result EUR 57 (separate decision)
Non-money prize machine
- Licence for a non-money prize machine EUR 63
- Altering a non-money prize machine licence EUR 37
Security stewards
- Security steward examination EUR 200
- Certification as a security steward EUR 70
- Altering a security steward certification EUR 56
- Security steward identity card duplicate EUR 56
- Certification as a security steward for an individual event/person EUR 41
- Arming security stewards EUR 280 (Public Order Act (612/2003) section 22)
- Change in the arming of security stewards EUR 215 (Public Order Act (612/2003) section 22)
Security officers
- Certification as a security officer EUR 70
- Altering a security officer certification EUR 56
- Security officer identity card duplicate EUR 56
Security inspection
- Certification as a security inspector EUR 95
- Altering a security inspector certification EUR 76
- Certification as a guard EUR 70
- Altering a guard certification EUR 56
- Guard identity card duplicate EUR 56
- Certification as a temporary guard EUR 65
- Altering a temporary guard certification EUR 50
- Temporary guard identity card duplicate EUR 50
Public events
- Processing a public event notice EUR 50
- Processing a notice for hosting a fireworks display EUR 50
- Decision on a public event, normal EUR 110
The Police tasks include no more than some discussions with the organiser of the public event and a request for competing information sent to the organiser of the public event.
- Decision on a public event, demanding EUR 330
In addition to the measures taken for a normal decision, the work also involves, for example, an inspection of the area or several advance negotiations with the organiser or participation in security planning, or all of these measures combined.
- Processing a notification concerning the performance of blasting work EUR 50
National Police Board transactions
National Police Board transactions
Poliisihallituksen maksut -haitari en
- Firearms inspection EUR 21 /firearm (Inspections are conducted on National Police Board premises)
- Firearms inspection EUR 3 /firearm (inspections are conducted on the client's own premises and using the client's own equipment, and the client is responsible for providing the inspector with personnel for any assistance needed. The client must have a certified quality management system in place.)
- Marking of firearm or firearm component EUR 12 per firearm or component
- Inspection of deactivated firearms EUR 54 per firearm (in the National Police Board’s premises)
- Inspection of deactivated firearms EUR 430 per inspection (outside the National Police Board’s premises)
- Acquisition permit for person living abroad EUR 48
- Additional permit of the same kind applied for at the same time EUR 43
- Cartridge type inspection EUR 850
- Cartridge batch inspection EUR 380
- Cartridge manufacturer oversight inspection/calibre EUR 475
- Cartridge manufacturer general inspection EUR 2 850
- Gas spray commercial import licence and powerful airgun commercial import licence EUR 77
- Gas spray commercial export licence EUR 164
- Gas spray commercial transit licence EUR 164
- Commercial prior informed consent EUR 48
- Commercial import licence EUR 77
- Commercial transfer licence EUR 48
- Fixed-period commercial transfer licence EUR 48
- Notification concerning conveyance based on a fixed-period commercial transfer licence EUR 40
- Commercial export licence EUR 164
- Commercial transit licence EUR 164
- Private export licence EUR 126
- Signalling device inspection EUR 50 per firearm or item
- Firearms dealing licence EUR 450
- Altering a firearms dealing licence EUR 225
- Fee for processing a change notification of a business license holder EUR 85
- Decision to be taken following a notification of a change in the holder of a business license EUR 125
- Firearms officer examination EUR 180
- Approval of a firearms officer or deputy of firearms officer EUR 180
Annual control fee payable by a holder of trade permit in firearms for each business location:
- Trade, storage and dealing EUR 180
- Trade EUR 90 (only cartridges or gas sprays)
- Manufacture EUR 180
- Repairing and alteration EUR 90 (not charged if a manufacturing permit has been issued for the same business location)
The oversight fee is charged for each year beginning after 1 April.
If the firearms dealer is engaged in multiple operations, the oversight fee will be charged for the most expensive of these operations, with half of the fee being charged to the other operations.
The oversight fee will not be charged if the permit holder has notified The National Police Board that they ceased operations prior to 31 March. The fee will not be charged for the calendar year, during which the firearms dealing licence was issued.
- Certification as a firearms collector EUR 285
- Altering the firearms collector certification EUR 152
- Firearms permit for an especially dangerous firearm or firearm component EUR 170
- Additional permit for the same type of permit applied for at the same time EUR 90
- Parallel permit for an especially dangerous firearm or firearm component EUR 74
- Additional permit for the same type of permit applied for at the same time EUR 36
- Shooting range permit EUR 480
- Notification of a minor shooting range EUR 210
- Change of a person responsible for a shooting range or notification of a person responsible for a shooting range EUR 48
- Change in rules and regulations EUR 48
- Other change in a shooting range permit EUR 122
- Other change in the notification of a minor shooting range EUR 86
- Shooting centre inspection EUR 225
- Explosives precursors licence EUR 57
- Notification on the running of a guessing game EUR 50
- Altering the purpose of the guessing game proceeds EUR 47
- Special permit on the announcement of the result EUR 47 (separate decision)
- Bingo licence EUR 240
- Altering a bingo licence EUR 64
- Altering the rules of play or maximum allowable prize EUR 64
- Money collection licence EUR 400
- Altering a money collection licence EUR 130
- Annual notification EUR 155
- Non-money lottery licence EUR 430
- Altering a non-money lottery licence EUR 145
- Special permit on the announcement of the lottery result EUR 59 (separate decision)
- Security company licence EUR 450
- Altering a security company licence EUR 225
- Processing fee for a change notification EUR 85
- Decision to be made based on the change notification issued by the security company EUR 125
- Supervision fee payable by business licence holders in the security sector EUR 170
The supervision fee is charged after 1 April each year, unless it has been paid in connection with the annual notification made via the online service.
The business licence holder is not required to pay the supervision fee, if they provide notification of the discontinuation of their business to the National Police Board no later than 31 March. The fee will not be charged for the calendar year in which the security business licence was issued.
Licensing a holder of a security sector business licence to act as a manager
- Certification as an officer, assistant officer or temporary officer EUR 200
- Altering an officer certification EUR 200
- Certification as a security steward instructor EUR 200
- Altering a security steward instructor certification EUR 160
- Certification as a forcible means instructor or firearms instructor EUR 200
- Altering a forcible means or firearms instructor certification EUR 160
- Licence to use the Police logo EUR 105
Poliisiammattikorkeakoulun maksut en
Police College of Finland service prices
Poliisiammattikorkeakoulun maksut - haitari en
- Obedience test for a security guard assignment EUR 180
- Obedience test for a security steward assignment EUR 180
- Obedience test for a security guard and security steward assignments 220 €
- Retaking part of the obedience test EUR 50
- Forcible means instructor training EUR 1 380
- Firearms instructor training EUR 2 680
- Forcible means instructor refresher training EUR 660
- Firearms instructor refresher training EUR 935
- Security steward instructor basic course EUR 980
- Security steward instructor refresher course EUR 530
- Special storage facility training EUR 1 255
Muut maksut en
Other service prices
Muut maksut - haitari en
- Other application decision EUR 60
- Certificate request EUR 45
- Other decision based on a notification EUR 75
- Inspection pass EUR 35
- Visa extension EUR 30
- Statement of aptitude EUR 45 (referred to in section 91 a of the Driving Licence Act)
- A4 copy or printout EUR 0.70/page
- A3 copy or printout and colour copy or printout EUR 1.40/page
- Recording on a CD or DVD or equivalent external data carrier EUR 23/disc or data carrier
- Processing of a document request that requires special actions EUR 82/hour
Maksutaulukko kuva en