Poliisin korruptionvastainen toimintapolitiikka en

Police Anticorruption Policy

Corruption is misuse of influence to gain advantages. Mostly, the advantage or benefit is of financial nature. A distinction between financial and ethical corruption can also be made. Characteristically, financial corruption refers to various forms of bribery. A typical situation is accepting a bribe destined to or aimed at influencing the operation of an official, for example, in decision-making where the briber is a party.

In turn, ethical corruption refers to the abuse of influence or discretionary powers with no implicit financial motivation. The category might include, for example, nepotism which means favouring one’s relatives, with no direct aim to gain any financial benefits. For the purpose of the Police Policy document, corruption comprises both the financial and ethical sides of the phenomenon since the Police fights against all forms of corruption.

With the decision (POL-2024-20460, in Finnish), the National Police Board has laid down the following principles of the Police Anticorruption Policy, to be followed throughout the administration:

Korruptionvastaisen toiminnan prosessikappale en

  1. Maintaining high trust in the Police

    We act neutrally and impartially, and in all our operations, we respect the Law and follow our ethical oath, the Police Code of Ethics and values (ethics).

  2. The Police has zero tolerance to corruption

    We do not accept any form of corruption and fight and prevent it, for example, through instructions and orders and by underlining ethics in all our operations.

  3. We are aware of, recognise and manage corruption risks

    We have incorporated the corruption risks into our risk management approach. Through training and communications, we ensure that the Police staff recognises any misconduct and corruptive features as well as knows the whistleblowing procedure.

  4. We ensure the detection and reporting of misconducts

    The staff is obliged to report any misconducts and malpractices, and the superiors are also obliged to intervene in them. We have introduced an internal information and whistleblowing channel which the entire organisation is aware of. We ensure effective investigation of Police crimes through a centralized investigation arrangement.

  5. Faced with any corruptive features, we take immediate action

    We improve our internal control function continuously, communicating efficiently both internally and externally. We systematically assess the Police capacity to fight corruption and make this part of our internal control function.

Poliisin korruptionvastainen toimintapolitiikka websisältö2 en


The trust in the Police remains at a high level, we do not accept any form of corruption.

Achieved goal

Operating in line with our values also in the future, we will match upto the high trust we enjoy now.

General operational principles