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Police dogs
Police dogs serve in all police units, around the clock on every day of the year, ready to support the police during tasks.
Police dogs perform approximately 11,000 different tasks per year in various situations, and they have been estimated to save around ten human lives each year.
Police Dog Training Centre
The Police Dog Training Centre, located in Hämeenlinna, purchases the dogs for police use and trains all dog handlers. The Police Dog Training Centre owns all of the dogs and is responsible for their healthcare.
The yard of the Centre, nicknamed “Dog Hill”, includes various training areas, buildings and structures. In addition, the area includes classrooms, accommodation and office premises as well as a dog shelter.
Many dog breeds
Some 240 police dogs and 220 dog handlers work for the Finnish police force. Depending on the dogs’ training, they operate either as patrol dogs or specialist dogs.
The most common police dog breeds are Belgian Shepherd Malinois and German Shepherd. In addition to these breeds, familiar for most, many other breeds are also used, such as Labrador Retriever, Border Collie and Golden Retriever. Finland’s smallest police dog, narcotics and money tracking dog Patrik, is a Parson Russell Terrier.
To find out more about police dogs, you can browse the Police University College’s police dog gallery.
What are patrol dogs and specialist dogs?
A patrol dog is a member of a dog patrol. Patrol dogs are multi-task dogs and ride with emergency patrols on various police tasks. The skills taught to patrol dogs in basic training include manageability, use of force, tracking, person search as well as object and crime scene search.
In addition to basic training, patrol dogs are trained in a special task, such as searching for narcotics, explosives, flammable liquids or dead bodies and semen. All patrol dogs are trained for rescue search.
In addition to manageability, specialist dogs are trained for a certain special task, such as Patrik for tracking money. Other special tasks include finding explosives, narcotics or dead bodies or assisting in investigation into the cause of a fire. As the name indicates, specialist dogs operate in special tasks they were trained for, not with regular emergency patrols.
Basic training
The basic training of patrol dogs includes five different sub-areas:
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The aim of manageability training is not to learn circus tricks, but to control the dog in various situations involved in police work. Regardless of the situation, the dog must be under the handler’s control. The use of a dog must not compromise other police work.
When told to do so, the dog must sit, lie down, stay in place and leave the handler. The dog must act willingly and accurately during tasks. In addition, the dog must be sociable and get along with other dogs. A police dog must be suitable for team work.
Dogs are one of the police’s tools in the use of force. The police dog must be under the handler's control at all times, attack and release when commanded to do so. After basic training, the exercises mimic real-life duties indoors and outdoors.
The aim of tracking is that the dog finds the person searched for by following their scent trail on the ground. The dog must learn to follow a specific trail in different circumstances and locations and be able to function regardless of disturbances. Tracking can be performed across terrain, in densely populated areas or indoors. In good conditions, dogs are able to track fairly old scent trails, but in poor conditions, the trail may only exist for less than an hour. Tracking must be practiced continuously in varying circumstances.
When searching for a person, the dog may need to cover large areas. In training, the dog learns to move according to the handler’s instructions and indicate the find by barking. When searching, the dog uses all its senses, of which smell is the most important. During training, dogs practice searching in different environments and look for both visible and hiding persons.
Some police dogs are also trained for avalanche search, that is, searching for people buried in snow.
Dogs can assist in the search of a wide range of different objects, for example at crime scenes. The dog can search for an object based on the scent of a person who touched it. The object can be very small, for example a cartridge case.
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Special training
After basic training, patrol dogs are trained for one specialist field. Each specialist dog is trained for their specific special task. In special training, both patrol and specialist dogs learn to not touch their finds and indicate them by sitting down, lying down, barking or standing still. The signal can also be something else that the handler understands.
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The majority of patrol dogs are trained to search for narcotics. The dogs can search for specific narcotics or their derivatives that they are trained to find, in highly varied and diverse circumstances. Dogs can access even small spaces where a police officer cannot go. The search environments include cars, apartments, warehouses and terrain. The dogs are not allowed to have direct contact with the narcotics at any stage.
Police dogs trained to search for explosives recognize civilian and military explosives, weapons and their parts. Police dogs’ typical working tasks can include security arrangements of a state visit, when facilities are inspected for explosives.
Cadaver dogs help the police in searching, for example, homicide victims. Dogs can also help if a missing person is suspected to have died in the terrain. Cadaver dogs are able to smell human remains and locate them. Dogs can indicate the smell of a corpse or part of human remains on the ground, underground or under water. Dogs also recognize human blood and blood splatters as well as different surfaces and objects that have been in contact with the deceased person. For searching in water, the police use boats with special water search equipment.
Some police dogs are trained to find human semen and they can assist in the investigation of sexual offenses.
Money tracking dogs recognize the smell of banknotes. These dogs participate in tasks where buildings or terrain are searched for money stashes. Money tracking is often associated with organized crime or financial crime.
Dogs used in fire investigations are trained to find traces of flammable liquids at fire locations. This speeds up both finding the right sampling places and the investigation. Dogs can also search for the container used for transporting the liquid or alert if they find traces of flammable liquids on clothing or footwear.
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Police dogs are their handlers’ colleagues and family members
Dog handlers’ special duties require commitment, as these police officers collaborate with their animal companion. A dog handler’s work can be described as a way of life, combining work with hobby.
Police dogs live with their handlers as family members, and the handler operates in the task usually until the dog retires. Most police dogs retire around the age of 10 and spend the rest of their lives with their handler’s family. Even though some working hours are assigned for training, dog handlers mostly train their dogs in their free time. Dog handlers are responsible for their dogs’ training and competence level.
A dog patrol consists of the dog, the dog handler and another police officer. Dog patrols operate in regular emergency assignments of the police alongside other patrols. In many cases, a dog patrol is called to assist if the tasks involve use of force or searching for narcotics and missing persons.
Dog handler training
Dog handlers have the same basic police education as all police officers. Dog handlers are required to have some degree of work experience, so that it is recommended that they work in various police tasks for a few years before applying for dog handler training.
In most cases, the motivation to apply for dog handler training is based on the person’s enthusiasm and interest in canine police work. Police departments choose from among candidates the applicants accepted for training. The Police Dog Training Centre assesses applicants’ suitability for working as a dog handler. A good dog handler is calm and responsible. A playful attitude is a must.
Dog handler training takes two and a half years. The studies include both contact studies at the Police Dog Training Centre in Hämeenlinna, and training at police departments. During the courses, the dog handler completes with the dog the behavior test for police dogs, the stamina test and training inspections in various sectors.
Approximately 15 new police dog handlers graduate each year.
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Dog obedience tests related to guarding and security steward assignments
The Police Dog Training Centre organizes obedience inspections also for dogs operating in the private security sector. According to the law, dogs used in guarding and security steward assignments are required to be tested for obedience.
The obedience test for dogs trained for guarding and security steward assignments consists of two parts:
- accessibility
- manageability
When you participate in the test as the dog’s handler, you must have a valid guard or security steward license.
Registering for the obedience test
The schedules and details for registering for the obedience tests are given on the Police University College website.
Provisions on the obedience test are laid down in the following laws and regulations:
- Private Security Services Act 1085/2015, section 51, in Finlex (in Finnish)
- Decree of the Ministry of the Interior 782/2002, 6 September 2002, in Finlex (in Finnish)
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Browse the police dog gallery
In the police dog gallery, you can browse the dogs based on their task, placement, breed and sex. For example, you can choose to view only the dogs of a certain police department. You can also use a search term to search for dogs.
Police dogs on the Police University College website
Find out more about police dog training on the website of the Police University College.
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