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The police as a part of the society 

The police safeguard everyday life in Finland. We are easy to identify and approach, both on the street and online. 

We take care of issues related to everyone’s safety every day, such as criminal investigations, maintaining public order, traffic control, as well as licence services. Urgent emergency tasks are done efficiently, taking regional characteristics into account even in exceptional situations. The development of technology and the changes in society have also changed the work of the police, and crime prevention also requires more and more attention online.

We are intensifying the cooperation with other security authorities and partners both internationally, nationally and regionally, as well as in sparsely populated areas in particular. Our communications are open, consistent, understandable and fast. The needs of different customer groups as well as the perspectives of security and sustainable development are taken into account in the development of services.

We describe our work and everyday activities in more detail in bulletins, on websites and several social media profiles. 

You can trust the police

In Finland, the police have a respected role in the society, and you can trust the police. The police are incorruptible and they operate fairly. According to studies, 95% of Finns trust the police, which makes us one of the most trusted authorities in Finland. 

We work continuously to remove inequality, and take initiative and participate actively in social discussion in the whole field of activity of the police. We aim to reach all groups of people equally and prevent social exclusion. Our goal is to be accessible to citizens.