Apply for a passport - front page

Apply for a passport

A passport is a document that certifies your travel authorisation and identity when you use different services. In most situations, you will need a travel document when you exit Finland, and you may be asked to show your travel document when you cross borders.

The passport is usually valid for five years at a time.

Permits officer handing a passport to a customer over a customer service counter.

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When you use the passport, the information on it must be up-to-date. In addition, it must be possible to identify you from the photograph on the passport. Contact the police if your passport gets lost or stolen. 

You can apply for a passport onlineLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab or at a police station. In some cases, you may have to provide additional information for an application submitted online by visiting a police station.

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Watch the video for instructions on how to apply for a passport

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  1. Have your passport photograph taken

    The photography studio sends your passport photograph to the police electronically.

    You will receive a photograph retrieval code as a text message or e-mail message for attaching the photograph to the application.

  2. Fill in the application

    Fill in the application using our online serviceLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab. Attach the photograph retrieval code you have received to the application. Select the delivery time and collection point. The system will tell you if you need to visit a police station.

    Pay the application fee online. You can also monitor the progress of your application process online.

  3. Book an appointment

    Book an appointment using our online serviceLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab if your application requires a visit to the police station.

    Remember to take your current passport or identity card with you if you have one.

  4. Pick up your new passport

    Pick up your new passport from the collection point you chose when you receive the collection note.

    If you cannot or do not want to submit an application online, you can also do so at a police station. Please note that submitting the application online is cheaper and quicker.

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The most common license fees

  • Passport EUR 57
  • Passport, electronic application EUR 53
  • Identity card EUR 67
  • Identity card, electronic application EUR 63
  • Firearms permit EUR 126
  • Certification as a security steward EUR 70

Chect out the list of fees