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File a police report

A police report is a notice to the police that a crime may have been committed. Anyone can file a police report. A police report can be filed with any police department in the country.

As a rule, the police has a duty to investigate all reports of suspected criminal activity. Police reports filed online are forwarded to the competent police unit. Some police reports are filed by police officers themselves when a unit responds to an incident.

In order to begin an investigation, the police need as detailed a description as possible of the incident and the individuals involved. 

A police officer sitting in front of a computer screen wearing an overt vest.

Tee rikosilmoitus - rikosilmoitus on lähtökohta tutkinnalle -en

A police report forms the basis for a police investigation

You can file a police report online or by visiting your local police station when the customer service desk is open.

Note: There are no printable crime report forms on the website.

If the case is not urgent, the police recommend that the crime is reported primarily online if this is possible for the person making the report. In order to open a criminal investigation, the police need as detailed a description of the incident as possible, including the persons concerned. 

The police must be able to verify the identity of the person reporting the crime. On Police e-services, customers identify themselves using, for example, their online banking codes and, thus, have secure access to the services. Instructions on how to draw up a comprehensive report of an offence can be found on Police e-services.

Call 112 if you have an emergency or you need urgent assistance from the authorities or if you know or suspect that somebody’s life, health, property or the environment is under threat or in danger.

Police reports can only be filed at designated times. The police only respond to reports filed at night if immediate police presence is needed. The online reporting service is unavailable at night between the hours of 10.45 pm and 6.00 am. 

If you think that criminals have gotten your online banking details, it is of utmost importance that you contact your bank immediately.

Each police station has its own telephone service hours. Calls are answered by the customer service desk, which also deals with customers who visit the police station in person. The phone helpline may be busy, and it is not possible to receive reports as comprehensively by phone.

If necessary, a victim of crime can bring a support person. You can ask for free support staff trained for the task, for example, from the Victim Support Finland.

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Police non-emergency helpline

The police also operate a national non-emergency helpline between the hours of 8.00 am and 4.15 pm on weekdays. The number is +358 (0)295 419 800.

The helpline is designed for general enquiries and non-emergencies, including filing police reports.

Enquiries about specific, open cases are redirected to the police department in charge of the case.

Ilmoita kadonneista asiakirjoista infolaatikko en

Report a lost passport, identity card or driving licence

If a document issued by the authorities (passport, identity card or driving licence) is lost or stolen, you must report it to the police. It is extremely important to file a report in order to prevent misuse. 

You can file the report using the electronic crime report form or by visiting a police station in person.

Rikosrekisteriote infolaatikko en

Criminal records and criminal records extracts

The Police of Finland does not grant criminal records extracts. More information on criminal records and extracts is available on the Legal Register Centre’s website.