A good audience makes a successful event

Publication date 6.6.2024 14.25
News item

Hundreds of public events of different sizes will be organized in Finland this summer, as always in summertime. Particularly when visiting large events, it is good to remember a few basic things to make sure the event runs smoothly. The most important safety factor is the audience of the event.

The organizers have spent a considerable amount of time planning, both the smooth flow of traffic and, for example, the location of food stalls. The planning has started at least several months before the event and has been carried out in cooperation with various authorities. The event organizer is always responsible for safety at the event. Basic information about safety is available for organizers for example on the website of the police at poliisi.fi/en/public-events.


It is the organizer's responsibility to inform the public about the details of the arrangements before and during the event.  When attending events as a member of the audience, you should be aware of the arrangements for the event from both your own perspective and that of the security of the event.


So, do keep in mind at least these things:

  • find out about the event and its arrangements in advance
  • find out what is the best way to access the area and how to get there, and do not forget to check the location of exits and escape routes – also with regard to emergencies
  • find out what you may and may not bring to the event area – and remember clothing appropriate for the weather
  • take good care of your belongings – festivals are the high season for pickpockets
  • remember to drink plenty of liquids on hot summer days – non-alcoholic drinks are the best for hydration
  • alcoholic beverages can only be purchased and enjoyed in the area designated by the organizer
  • seek advice and instructions and act accordingly. Security stewards and other staff members are on site to ensure that things run smoothly.

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