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Batch of faulty ID cards in circulation

Publication date 28.12.2021 16.15
Type:News item

Due to an error in ID card production, a batch of ID cards issued in November and December was printed on a card template that had already been taken out of use. ID cards issued to Finnish citizens on or after 2 August 2021 have a new design that was introduced following an amendment to the Identity Card Act required by the EU Regulation on identity cards.

The old and new card template look very similar. The new card can be recognised by the EU flag logo at the top left-hand edge on the front of the card and by the black lock symbolising the EU Trustmark logo on the reverse side of the card. These logos do not feature on the old ID card template. Images of the old card and the new card introduced on 2 August 2021 can be found on the Police website at Finnish ID cards ( 

Citizens who have been issued with a card on the old template during December and which has a date of issue of 2 August 2021 or later are requested to contact a police station to exchange their ID card. A new ID card will be granted free of charge for the period of validity of the card to be replaced.

If the card has been printed on a template which was no longer used in production at the time the card was issued, it might be considered a forgery in situations where the card is inspected and the cardholder could experience delay and other difficulties as a result. This is why any faulty card should be replaced without delay.

Old cards issued on or before 1 August 2021 can still be used normally. Furthermore, ID cards without a travel right, a minor’s ID card without a travel right or a foreigner’s ID card are not affected by the error. 

Changed point in December to November and December 29.12. at 9.50

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