Ravitsemisliikkeissä vähän rikkomuksia
Only few transgressions in restaurants

Publication date 19.3.2021 13.58 | Published in English on 19.3.2021 at 14.02
News item

According to the Police, the Covid-19 regulations, in force since Monday 8 March 2021, have been followed every well by the restaurants.

Chief Superintendent Ari Järvenpää of the National Board of Police says that the Police made almost 2,600 inspections to restaurants and found very little to remark. Certain restaurants may have been inspected several times.
- The minor violations recorded by the Police were about a dozen. Only one restaurant was object of a report, he adds.

Most of the violations took place in takeaway places, with the customers remaining inside to eat their meals, or staying too close to the premises or on an outside covered terrace.  Two restaurants had customers inside and one of them had no Covid-19 instructions whatsoever visible to the customers.

The policing measures  mostly included  notices whereby extra persons were asked to leave the premises and the restaurant operator was given a verbal admonition.

In one case, the Police filed a report and made a subsequent check in the same place.

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