The police reminds victims of the Vastaamo hacking incident to issue their statement

Publication date 9.3.2023 11.28 | Published in English on 13.3.2023 at 14.55
News item

The Helsinki Police Department would like to remind victims of the Vastaamo hacking incident to issue their statement in the Police of Finland’s e-services.

The Helsinki Police Department has received roughly 6,500 crime reports regarding the Vastaamo hacking incident. The injured parties will primarily be heard through an online form.

If you are an injured party regarding the Vastaamo hacking incident taken place in October 2020 and you have not yet issued your statement, and you want to issue one, do this by completing the form in the Police of Finland’s e-services. To issue a statement, you must have submitted a crime report; you can also do this in the e-services.

Issuing a statement online is a requirement for you to participate in the criminal process and present your claims regarding the matter. 

Complete the form on the Police of Finland’s website

You can easily issue your statement on the Police of Finland’s website. You can access the e-services at 

For information security reasons, the Police of Finland will not send any personal invitation or link to the form to injured parties. If you receive a message or a link to the form in the Police of Finland’s name, note that it is not genuine. Do not open the link in the message.

Helsinki Helsinki Police Department News Offences and criminal investigation