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Downgrading a driving licence, and special conditions

Downgrading a driving licence, and special conditions

The police may downgrade your driving licence if you no longer meet the requirements for the right to drive corresponding with your driving licence category.

Your right to drive may be altered to correspond with the vehicle category whose requirements for granting a driving licence permit and issuing a driving licence you meet. For example, if you do not meet the sight requirements for a driving licence for category 2 vehicles (e.g. a lorry) but you meet the sight requirements for category 1 vehicles (e.g. a passenger car), the police may downgrade your driving licence to category 1. 

When your driving licence category changes, hand over your driving licence to the police and apply for a driving licence corresponding with the new category from an Ajovarma service point or through the e-services of the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. The police may give you an interim driving licence if no other driving licence is issued.

Your right to drive will return to its former level if you prove to the police, by submitting a medical certificate for example, that you again meet the relevant drive rights requirements. The police will then return your driving licence held by them that corresponds with your right to drive.

Special conditions attached to driving licences

Conditions and restrictions may be attached to driving licences. These may include the requirement that you must wear glasses or use other assistive devices when driving. 

The conditions and restrictions are marked as number codes on the reverse of the driving licence. The police may also change the conditions and restrictions attached to a driving licence, if necessary. 


Apply for a driving licence from

Driving Licence Act 386/2011 on Finlex (in Finnish), the driving licence categories can be found in the second chapter of the act

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