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Ennalta estävä toiminta Oulun poliisissa en
Preventive operations at Oulu Police Department
Policing also includes crime and disturbance prevention. This is a part of the usual work of the police, but we also have various preventive operations such as
- Anchor work,
- community police operations,
- multi-professional risk assessment meetings,
- school police activities and
- so-called HAH operations focusing on persons of concern.
The preventive operations can also include the police expert lectures, public service information to promote integration of immigrants, everyday security and traffic safety lectures to senior citizens as well as PR and trade fare tasks.
The preventive policing work is thus multifaceted. This site offers information on the various preventive activities of the Oulu Police Department, providing the contact details of the police officers dedicated to these tasks.
If you would like to ask the police to participate in events or give lectures on some prevention topic, please contact the preventive operation coordinators. You can reach them by mailing them at or by calling the following phone numbers:
- Jokilaaksot 0295 464 182,
- Kainuu 0295 464 278,
- Koillismaa 0295 464 625,
- Oulu region 0295 465 914.
Koulupoliisit en
School Police Officers at the Oulu Police Department
The primary task of school police officers is to provide preventive legal and traffic education to children and young people of different ages. They participate in teaching, campaigns, and events, and speak at parent-teacher meetings. They also mediate long-term and difficult bullying situations and address crimes committed in schools.
The Oulu Police Department employs full-time school police officers in the Oulu region and Jokilaaksot. In other areas, police officers serve schools and educational institutions alongside their main duties. The earlier an educational institution requests police participation in, for example, teaching or events, the better the chance we have to respond to the request.
You can contact school police officers by locality (email addresses are in the format
Vaala, Utajärvi, Muhos, Ii, Yli-Ii, Haukipudas, Liminka, Lumijoki, Tyrnävä, Kempele:
Jarkko Kähkönen, Senior Detective Constable
0295 465 316
Oulu, Oulunsalo, Kempele, Hailuoto, Kiiminki, Ylikiiminki:
Lauri Laivamaa, Senior Detective Constable
0295 464 682
Raahe, Siikajoki, Siikalatva, Pyhäjoki, Kalajoki, Merijärvi, Alavieska, Pyhäntä, Himanka:
Kirsi Launonen, Senior Detective Constable
0295 464 272
Ylivieska, Nivala, Haapajärvi, Reisjärvi, Pyhäjärvi, Kärsämäki, Oulainen, Haapavesi, Vihanti, Sievi, Himanka:
Jyri Suhonen, Senior Detective Constable
0295 464 160
Kajaani, Sotkamo, Kuhmo, Paltamo, Ristijärvi:
Janne Heikkinen, Senior Detective Constable
0295 464 278
janne.p.heikkinen (a)
Suomussalmi, Hyrynsalmi, Puolanka:
Henna Pyykkönen, Senior Constable
0295 464 206
Tuomo Stenroth, Senior Constable
0295 464 625
Ville Jaakkola, Senior Constable
0295 464 713
Tommi Turunen, Senior Constable
0295 464 486
Jukka Kurtti, Senior Constable
0295 464 545
Ankkuritoiminta en
Anchor work
The purpose of the Anchor work is to promote the wellbeing of the young and families, and to intervene with a criminal cycle as early as possible. The multi-professional Anchor team includes professionals from the police, social welfare and healthcare as well as youth service experts. The team meets with the young person and their parents as early as possible after concern for the young has emerged. If necessary, the team guides the young person towards assistance or support.
In the Oulu region, the Anchor work currently focus on young people and families who live in Oulu. The Oulu Anchor team’s objective is to prevent any criminal behaviour of the underaged. In a meeting organised by Anchor team, the young person’s and their family’s life situation is looked at from a comprehensive perspective. Moreover, the team goes to shopping centres, youth centres and other places where the young tend to gather to spend time, to meet with the young and talk with them.
In the municipalities of the Jokilaaksot, Raahi, Pyhäjoki and Siikajoki have Anchor operations while the Kainuu municipalities with Anchor are Kajaani, Kuhmo, Sotkamo and Suomussalmi. Koillismaa does not offer any Anchor operations.
Contact information of Anchor teams are listed at
Lähipoliisi en
Community police
The duties of the community police is to be visible when controlling the areas in question, keeping contacts with the stakeholders in the area. In their work, the community police employs a local problem solving model with the objective of focusing on local problems and looking for customised solutions to them, in collaboration with other actors.
Haitarimalli ennalta estävä toiminta Oulun poliisissa en
The municipalities in Jokilaaksot have their own appointed community police officers with good knowledge about their own areas. If you have non-urgent things to share with the Jokilaaksot community police, please send an email to
Each Kainuu municipality has their own community police officers. You can contact them by phone dialling 0295 464 278.
Pudasjärvi, Taivalkoski and Kuusamo have each their own appointed community police officers. If you have non-urgent things to share with the Koillismaa community police, please send an email to
The Oulu field command area has been divided into seven community police areas. Each area has an appointed field group. The community policing operations are performed by the entire group, along with the emergency tasks and in collaboration with the cooperation partner groups.
If you have something to share with the community police of any of the Oulu districts or other municipalities in the area, please email us at Please add the respective city district or municipality name in the title of your message.
Ennalta estävä toiminta Oulun poliisissa Marak en
Multi-professional risk assessment meeting
Multi-professional risk assessment meeting (in Finnish moniammatillinen riskinarviointikokous, MARAK) is a method to assess the risk of serious domestic violence and to help the victim. It is intended for all those suffering from or living under the threat of domestic violence. The MARAK team will prepare a risk assessment and make a plan to help those involved. The team includes representatives of the central actors in this field.
The idea is that the person in need of help will talk to one professional who will bring the issue forward to the entire MARAK to discuss. This way, the client need not contact several separate parties or authorities in a life situation that is already exhausting.
Haitarimalli MARAK en
In Jokilaaksot, there is a MARAK team in the areas of the Raahe and Haapajärvi police stations.
The Kainuu MARAK team works in Kajaani. The victims residing in any part of Kainuu can become clients of this team.
In the region of Oulu, the MARAK team works in Oulu. The inhabitants of the other municipalities in the Oulu region are referred to other assistance-giving institutions, such as the Oulu mother-and-child home and women’s refugees (in Finnish Oulun ensi- ja turvakoti), Unit for work focusing on domestic violence (in Finnish Lähisuhdeväkivaltatyön yksikkö) and Victim Support Finland (in Finnish Rikosuhripäivystys RIKU).
HAH Oulu en
Persons of concern
A person of concern (in Finnish huolta aiheuttava henkilö, HAH) refers to an individual who causes concern because of their behaviour, ideas or life situation. The person may have violent thoughts, or express them in a visible way, for example, by spreading fear-inducing materials online. The police tries to keep contacts with such individuals to find out about their state of mind and health.
The personnel specialised in HAH operation at the Oulu Police Department work in Oulu but the area of operation comprises the entire Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu.