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Projects and top-up funding

The police can use its top-up funding towards the organisation’s development projects. The following projects have been financed fully or partially with top-up funding.

Side of a police boat with a lake in the background.

Käynnissä olevat hankkeet en

Projects in progress

Project name Years active Primary source of funding External funding budget
FILI - Development of firearm lifecycle data 2022-2024 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 1 431 287,02
Preventing Cross Border Criminality  2023-2025 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 717 958,61
Cyber Capital 2022-2025 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 1 445 174,65 € (Police's share), 1 883 799,19 € entire project
OC-PP -Organized Crime Preventive Policing 2023-2025 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 455 782,72
Cyber Crime Exit 3 - Preventing and combating youth cybercrime 2023-2025 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 551 920,82
EPRIS Pilot - European Police Records Index System Pilot 2022-2024 ISF-P komission suora rahoitus EUR 92 624
Safe-Cities - riSk-based Approach For the protEction of public spaces in European CITIES 2022-2024 HORIZON EUR 94 025
ARICA - A PROject on prevention and PRIoritizATion in Europe 2023-2024 ISF-P; direct funding from the Commission EUR 371 129,60
IMPROVE - Improving Access to Services for Victims of Domestic Violence by Accelerating Change in Frontline Responder Organisations 2022-2025 HORIZON EUR 240 518,23
FERMI - Fake nEws Risk Mitigator 2022-2025 HORIZON EUR 148 500
Single Search Interface (SSI) 2023-2025 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 2 565 401,74
Traveller program 2 2023-2024 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 1 156 779,30
Integrated services* 2023-2026 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 2 318 511,39
Schengen information operational support 2023-2025 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 1 208 000
SPECIAL - Strengthening Police Environmental Crime Investigation and Liaisons 2023-2025 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 323 021,15
Repatriation 2023-2024 Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) EUR 283 695,05
3D modelling and analysis in technical forensics 2023-2024 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 306 323,06
CBRNE III 2023-2025 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 606 378,75
Cybercrime Exit3 2023-2025 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 551 920,51
Environmental Crime Prevention Tasks in the Waste Sector 2024-2025 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 141 475,59
PAKOTE 2023-2025 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 547 985,56
STARLIGHT - Sustainable Autonomy and Resilience for LEAs using AI against High priority Threats 2021-2025 HORIZON  EUR 149 500
RAMPPI 2023-2025 Internal Security Fund ISF / EUSA 2021-2027 EUR 470 407,50

*The project 'Integrated Services' develops, centralizes and harmonizes data processing, so that especially criminal investigations, e.g. for public sources, for cross-border crime and for crimes against children will be enhanced. The project implements data processing and data acquisition tools from public sources. The project involves overall coordination and training regarding the tools being developed. 


  • The quality and availability of the work and data to be stored have improved 
  • The operational personnel of the police have been trained in the use of new tools 
  • The authorities are better equipped to investigate and prevent crimes using automation and artificial intelligence.

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Funded by EU logo.

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Hankkeet ja täydentävä rahoitus -hankelogot en

EU logo of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

Internal Security Fund EU logo.

Internal Security Fund - Police cooperation, crime prevention and control and crisis management - EU logo.