The Victims’ Directive improves the rights of crime victims
Directives are one form of EU legislation. The purpose of the Victims’ Directive is to obligate EU member countries to take the crime victims’ position into account in legislation.
The Directive lays down the rights of crime victims concerning the following:
- the information issued
- the support given
- protection
- participating in criminal procedures.
The effects of the Victims’ Directive are also reflected in Finnish legislation that has been changed, for example, the Criminal Investigation Act. The purpose of these changes is to take the victims’ position into account more accurately.
The effects of the Victims’ Directive on legislation are seen, for example, in the police’s obligation to:
- inform the crime victim about his/her right to support services,
- evaluate the victim’s need for protection and the need for special protective actions
- take the victim’s position into account, for example, in interrogations and interview rooms
- ask for the victim’s permission before giving his/her information to support services.