Active notification of recreational activity and deactivated firearms
Hundreds of firearm notifications have been received via the police online service. A total of 373 notifications have been made in less than a month since the new online firearms-related services were opened.
It has been possible to notify the continuation of a recreational activity involving a firearm as well as firearms rendered unfit for use or deactivated in the online service since 19 September 2023. Work continues on the development online firearm-related services and more such services will open in 2024.
Online form and attachments are usually enough to notify of a recreational activity
Firearm permit holders must report the continuation of a recreational activity every five years where the type of firearm concerned requires notification. By mid-October the police had received 138 notifications of the continuation of a shooting sport.
It is recommended that notification is made at the earliest 3-6 months before the five-year deadline is reached. It is not worth submitting a notification before then.
The police have the right to invite a firearm permit holder to further discussion if required. Online interaction also reduces the need to visit a police station since notification of the continuation of a shooting sport can be submitted using online services and the required attachments added to the notification at the same time.
Notification of firearms rendered unfit for use has gathered momentum, deadline July 2024
A total of 235 firearms rendered unfit for use or deactivated have been reported online to the police. These firearms have often been kept for decoration purposes but these days require notification to the police. Firearms rendered unfit for use must be stored securely under lock and key.
Notification of a firearm rendered unfit for use or a deactivated firearm must be made before 15 July 2024, after which possession of an unreported firearm rendered unfit for use will be a punishable offence. The firearm holder must submit the notification.
Estates of dead persons pose a problem – what to do with firearms in an undistributed estate?
The obligation to report deactivated firearms also applies to estates of dead persons and undistributed old estates of dead persons. This must basically be done within six months of the death of the firearm holder. Even though a firearm permit is not required for a firearm rendered unfit for use or deactivated, these must still be reported to the police. Like active firearms, a deactivated decorative firearm must be kept under lock and key.
Want to dispose of a firearm?
Firearms may also be handed over to the police for disposal or auction. In such cases, the firearm owner, holder or the administrator of a dead person’s estate must arrange a visit to the police station in advance. A visit may also be arranged by contacting the police department. If your local police department does not have a separate email address for firearm-related services, you should phone or email the police department permit services or administration for instructions. You can find the contact information for police departments on the information website.
If you wish to hand over firearms unfit for use, these must be deactivated in accordance with the requirements entering into force on 28 June 2018 and you must have a deactivation certificate. If the firearm was deactivated earlier or there is no deactivation certificate, a certificate is required to transfer the firearm. Gunsmiths deactivate firearms and issue the relevant certificate.
Notification of decorative firearms must made by July
From July 2024, being in possession of deactivated firearm that has not been notified to the police will be a punishable offence. Notification of a firearm that has been rendered unfit for use or deactivated may be made to the police online at and the electronic form will tell you how to save the information.
More online services related to firearms in March 2024
The police will open more online firearm-related services on 1 March 2024, from when it will be possible to apply for a firearms permit and make many other applications online. At the same time, it will be possible to submit various notifications applying to firearms through online services. The police will provide more information about the new services in early 2024. In addition, the police will open new online services for firearm dealers.
Online firearms-related services support both recreational users and traders. Online interaction ultimately supports safety and security in Finland since firearm lifecycles, holders and permits are more accurately kept in police registers and the information is up to date.
For more information about firearms matters go to
Apply for firearms permit - Police (
Notification of firearms rendered unfit for use or deactivated - Police (
Firearms belonging to estates of deceased persons - Police (
Firearms-related services added to the police’s online services - Police ( 19.9.2023