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Electronic applications for firearm permits from beginning of March

Publication date 14.2.2024 15.24
News item

As of 1 March 2024, private persons can submit firearms permit applications and notifications electronically. A new electronic service for firearms dealers to report changes related to business licences will also open.

As of 1 March 2024, the police will provide citizens with more e-services following an amendment to the Firearms Act.

Firearm notifications and permit applications can be easily submitted from the beginning of March in the police e-services. It will then be possible to electronically

  • submit permit applications for firearms, gas sprays and ammunition
  • submit an application for a parallel permit
  • report the identification data of the firearm and its component acquired under a firearms permit
  • report the acquisition of a firearm component, a high-powered air gun or a deactivated firearm 
  • reports the lending, temporary storage and return of the firearm or component thereof and a high-powered air gun.

Electronic notification is usually sufficient and a visit to the police station is in most cases only required at the separate request of the police.

E-services promote firearm safety in Finland

Firearms dealers have to date been able access police e-services and on 1 March 2024, the police will open the new Firearms Business Licence and Licence Holder Changes service for them.

Besides making licence and permit matters easier, e-services will also promote firearm safety. E-services will allow the police to more quickly obtain information on the location of firearms, licence holders and permits.

The police serve you in various matters related to firearms permits and firearms at