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Victims of Vastaamo hacking incident: In order to become a party in the criminal proceedings, report the crime

Publication date 23.6.2021 12.39 | Published in English on 23.6.2021 at 13.32
Type:News item

Victims of Vastaamo hacking have made a record number of crime reports. The police estimate that the number of victims is even higher. The police will start interviewing victims in the autumn.

The criminal investigation by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) into the hacking of Psychotherapy Centre Vastaamo's sensitive data is ongoing. The offences under investigation comprise an aggravated computer break-in, aggravated dissemination of information violating personal privacy and aggravated extortion.

More than 25,000 reports have been made so far in relation to extortion of victims of the Vastaamo hacking incident. The police believe, however, that the number of victims is even higher. As victims of crime, who report the criminal incident to the police, Vastaamo's customers will become parties in the criminal proceedings.

– A computer break-in is a complex crime to investigate, and in a massive case like this the workload is huge. But we are making good progress in the investigation. Hopefully, we will be able to start interviewing victims in the autumn. We hope that victims of extortion would have reported the crime before that, says Head of Investigation, Detective Chief Inspector Marko Leponen of the NBI.

Advice and emotional support for the criminal procedure

Victim Support Finland (RIKU) has worked with the NBI and supported the victims since information about the hacking was published in the media in October 2020. It continues to provide advice and support in the different stages of the criminal procedure, such as in reporting a crime online.

For practical advice on the criminal procedure or for emotional support, please contact Victim Support Finland's phone line 116 006 or RIKUchat, or submit a request for contact. Comprehensive advice for victims is also provided on the website of Victim Support Finland.

For previous press releases on the case, go to site Instructions to victims of Vastaamo hacking incident - Police (