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Rahapelien tietotekninen valvonta EN

Computerised supervision of gambling 

Computerised supervision is an important and central means of supervising gambling that today largely takes place online. Systematic, consistent and efficient computerised supervision is a necessary part of the strict and reliable supervision of gambling services, which the European Commission requires in order for Finland to maintain its gambling policy based on exclusive rights.

An official control system has been in use for Veikkaus Oy operated gambling since 1989. The system is constantly being developed. The latest major reform took place in 2020, when the hardware and communication systems of the supervision system were upgraded.

Computerised supervision is mainly based on ex-post monitoring of validity. This means that the details of gambling transactions are transferred to the supervisory authority, i.e. to the Gambling Administration’s computerised official control system.

All data transfers concerning gambling transactions must remain:

  • Complete - all gambling event data intended for transfer is transferred without any losses.
  • Reliable - uninterrupted data transfer must be ensured.
  • Intact - gambling event data intended for transfer does not change during or after the transfer.

This data on gambling events held in the Gambling Administration’s system can be used for example to investigate faults in the games or suspected abuse. If necessary, the supervisory authority may use the data to investigate the functions of online gambling systems and the choices made by players in different gambling situations. With these measures, the supervisory authority aims to ensure the legal rights of players and to prevent any abuses and crimes.

The data transferred to the official control system is also used in certain games to find payouts and to perform other supervisory functions of the official control.  

Rahapelitoiminnan valvontajärjestelmään siirrettyä tietoa käytetään myös tietyissä peleissä voitonetsintään ja valvontajärjestelmän automaattisesti tekemään valvontatoimintoon.

In some games the supervision system produces a random number for draws to ensure that no one can predict the outcome of the game or participate in the draw after game has closed.

Tietotekninen valvonta - peliryhmät - EN