
Poliisi - Yhteystiedot - Poliisiasema ja poliisilaitos

Helsinki Police Department

We ensure that our capital city is safe and pleasant for everyone together with the City of Helsinki, other authorities, communities and the residents. The Helsinki police station is in Pasila. You can report an offence or apply for a passport, identification card and other licences with us.
  • In emergencies, always dial 112.

    Prefer online services.

    Read the instructions first before applying for a passport, identity card or other permit, or submitting a crime report.

    Book an appointment beforehand, if possible.

    For information about pending cases, contact the police department that is processing your case. You can request records and copies by contacting the police department or station.

    If you wish, you can send a message to the police via the Police Secure Mail service. Learn more about the use of Police Secure Mail at

    Police helpline

    The police helpline gives advice on non-urgent matters regarding licences, appointment bookings, e-services and traffic surveillance.

    Price of service

    The cost for a call to the Police is

    • the local network charge (pvm) if you call using a landline number
    • cellular phone charge (mpm) if you use a mobile phone
    • international call charge if you call from abroad.

    You will pay for the call in line with your operator tariff. Waiting time is also paid for.

  • Phone Numbers
    • Automatic traffic surveillance, traffic penalty fees and requests for an administrative review
      +358 295 417917
      Mon–Fri 8.00–15.00
    • Crime investigation
      +358 295 417921
      Mon–Fri 12.00–15.00
    • Licence services, customer service
      +358 295 419800
      Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
    • Lost property
      +358 295 477912
      Mon 9.00–11.00, Fri 9.00–11.00
    • Nationwide police customer service and bookings
      +358 295 419800
      Mon–Fri 8.00–16.15
    • Permits for firearms
      +358 295 475249
      Mon–Fri 9.00–15.00
    • Requests for investigation material
      +358 295 478801
      Mon 12.00–14.00, Thu 12.00–14.00
    • Right to drive
      +358 295 475911
      Mon–Thu 9.00–11.00
    • Security sector
      +358 295 473133
      Tue–Fri 9.00–11.00
    • Svitchboard
      +358 295 470011
    • Tip line
      +358 295 417931

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